Larry Kollar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> > > It sounds like a good idea, but there are so many potential
> > > enhancements that would make tbl easier to live with that it's
> > > almost worth a rewrite.
> > 
> > Hmm, can you post a TODO, please?
> My short list is primarily cosmetic (the goal is to require a minimal 
> amount of primitive markup) and there are workarounds to most of 
> them.
> 1 HTML support (would probably require changes to the groff wrapper 
> to pass a command-line option to tbl for -Thtml)

yes this would be a good modification.. I was wondering whether it
would be better for tbl to emit .HTML <tag> sequences for whether it
would be better for tbl to emit grohtml meta tags which post-grohtml
detects and converts into appropriate html tags.  I'm leaning towards
the later as post-grohtml can produce tidier output and deferring
a decision late in the pipeline should mean one can catch combinations
of event tags.  On the other hand it is more complex :-(

> > Additionally, I ask you to further test Joachim's `HDtbl' package
> > 
> >
> The introduction is here, if anyone wants to see what it's doing:

yes, really useful to examine and borrow ideas from..


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