> With Miklos's and Werner's messages of
>   Feb 22 07:24 GMT distributed to me 18:24 GMT
>   Feb 22 07:28 GMT distributed to me 18:41 GMT
> the delays at lists.gnu.org are now at least 11 hours.

Today it's significantly better!  

> Looking at the list archives at
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-groff/2006-02/index.html
> I see that the archived messages for the last 7 days are 95.5%
> spam (some of which is of the well-known groff speciality).

I have no control about the bug-groff list!  It's not moderated, and
everyone can send a mail to it.  With other words, it's *expected*
that there's spam on this list.

On the other hand, groff@gnu.org is virtually spam free, because it is
for subscribers only.

> The lists are configured to accept postings from subscribers
> only. All other postings are notified to me for approval or
> other action ("discard" in the case of spam).

I do this with the groff list.

> Also, both lists have their archives accessible to subscribers only
> (password required).

This is not the case for lists.gnu.org, which are publicly available
(but with hidden email addresses).

> I note, however, that the groff messages which I actually
> receive are (except for those few notorious ones "sent" by
> a few of us, myself included) are non-spam. At least, that
> is the case where there is "[Groff]" in the subject.

Looking into the groff mailing list archive from February and January
2006, just two mails (on Feb. 6th) are spam.


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