> > This looks like a bug in the ps2epsi script -- it seems as if the
> > bbox of the preview image is used (which is 1 pixel smaller
> > vertically) instead of the original one.  Please submit a bug
> > report at bugs.ghostscript.com (or check the bug database) and CC
> > me.  BTW, it fails with both gs 8.53 and 7.07.1.
> Let us first see whet happens to an extremely simple ps file in
> different environments (see attached file croptest.tgz).

I get the same bad result, so it's definitely a bug.  Please report to
the gs team.

BTW, GNU sed 4.1.4 (and 4.0.9) doesn't work correctly with the ps2epsi
script which comes with gs 8.53.  The following regexp construct


makes sed incorrectly complain (and abort) with

  invalid range end

You have to write


as it was in earlier versions of ps2epsi.


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