On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 10:15:57AM +0300, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:


> The real reason for this reply is: how do you *display* PDF slide
> sets?  I currently use acroread, which renders well, but it's pretty
> slow (it can take a second to change to a complicated page, even with
> a 3 GHz CPU).  Also, using a laptop it's far too easy to hit "Home" or
> "End" instead of "PageUp" or "PageDn", with embarrassing results.
> I've tried things like xpdf, but the rendering doesn't stand up.

Under what OS?  For Win32, I've found that Foxit PDF Reader is much,
much faster than Adobe's own acroread:


Under *nix, dunno, I just use the slow Adobe product :-/

Michael Parson

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