
I don't know about 1.11 but higher versions definitely support PostScript.
I would be surprised if 1.11 wouldn't.
The inclusion of PS into a groff file seems to be very simple, but you need to know
at least a day's learning of PS and groff to take advantage of this.

I do "watermarks" as huge (20-30 mm) characters in light gray as the first thing on the page. It is simple postscript, setting the scales, selecting the font, setting the gray
level and showing the text. No image is required for this.
However, there are no kitchen recipes in this business, so one needs to learn first.

If you are serious about learning PS, try to get a copy of the first edition of Adobe's PostScript Reference Manual. Unlike later editions it is not intimidating and you can study it to good effect at a long weekend. It is out of print but there are many second-hand shops (at least in the US) that sell "nearly as new" copies
for $2 or $3. Plus postage ... :-)  It is a worthwhile investment.

You will also need a PS viewer. Others here will be in better position to give you some idea what to look for. Ghostscript is good to have, at least for converting your PS to PDF if you wish to share your
creation with others.


On 17/10/2005, at 6:49 PM, mikkel meinike wrote:


I'd bean on this list less than 30 ours. I don't even new the
typesetting languish you are discussing here and already I am posting
an off-topic question. But I am trying to get an overview of my
possibility's and I think that maybe some of you gays might be clever
on this subject.

(I found out my version of groff is 1.11.)

After what I have fount about groff (google :-)) it does not support
grafic (images). But i found something about programming postscript
and "compile" it with Ghostscript. Do you thing it would be possible
after I have made my ps file with groff to open it in an ordinary
editor and "sneak in" some little pice of code that will apply the
paper with an  an images as "paper background" as i is called in
Abiword a "watermark" it is called in MS WORD?

If yes I would like to know:

1. What should the code be?
2. Where should the code be placed?
3. Which format should the image be?
4. Is there specific demands on the seise of the image?
5. Which commands do I need to process it trough ghostscript?


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