Am Dienstag, 27. September 2005 15:06 schrieb Tadziu Hoffmann:
> > does anyone have any simple methods for placing the table of contents
> > at the start of the output file ?
> >
> > I have done it manually with Postscript output and should be able to
> > script that, but if anyone has other suggestions I would appreciate
> > hearing from them.
> I think manipulating the intermediate output given to the device
> postprocessor is easier than manipulating the final device code
> (ps, in your case).  Something like this:
>   groff -ww -b -Tps -Z [other options] [*roff-file] |
>     sed -f shuffle.sed | grops >[ps-file]
>   rm troff.sort
> with shuffle.sed being:
>   #!/bin/sed -f
>   /^p1$/s/p1/# -- cut here --/
>   /^# -- cut here --$/,/^# -- cut here --$/w troff.sort
>   /^# -- cut here --$/,/^# -- cut here --$/c\
>   p1
>   /^x trailer$/d
>   /^x stop$/{
>   s/.*/p1/
>   r troff.sort
>   a\
>   x trailer\
>   x stop
>   }
> Note that this particular program works only if page number 1
> appears twice in the document.  Everything from the second
> page 1 to the end of the file is moved to the beginning.
> I usually set the page number back to 1 on the title page
> and set the number format to roman (so that the title page
> is page i), and format the table of contents at the very end,
> like this:
>   [page 1] [page 2] ... [last page] [page i] [page ii] ... [contents]
> which gets shuffled to
>   [page i] [page ii] ... [contents] [page 1] [page 2] ... [last page]
> Thus all the front matter has roman page numbers and the "real"
> content has arabic page numbers.

What we are doing?
We use ms macros

Collecting TOC entries with a combination of Standard headline macros and
.XS/.XE like:

Multi-Line Version
\*(SN Multi-Line Version

Producing the TOC at the end of all files (or end of file)

Feeding the resulting PS file through psselect 

#   psselect adressiert von vorn 1,2,....
#   oder von hinten _1 ist die letzte, _2 die vorletzte ... Seite
##  -----------------------------------------------------------------
sort:   FORCE
        psselect -p1-4,_4-_1,5-_5 $(TMP_PS) $(PS_FILE)


with best regards / mit freundlichen Grüßen

   Heinz-Jürgen Oertel
| port GmbH               phone +49 345 77755-0
| Regensburger Str.7b     fax   +49 345 77755-20
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