On 1 Aug 2005 03:08:45 -0000, greatsarang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Werner for your reply,
> But groff supports utf8. So with -Tutf8 option can I use these three 
> languages. If yes then how (please give me some example)?

No. Werner is not talking about *text output* but rather *text input*.
For historical reasons that you can investigate starting at Ralph
Corderoy's website <http://troff.org/>, groff is limited to ISO-8859-1
input, without the help of a preprocessor. In the future, as time
allows, groff will have UTF-8 input and you will be able to setup
output wifh CJKV fonts.

In short, I will repeat Werner's advice: Use CJK LaTeX, which
Werner has written and maintains. I've used that package (for as
little Japanese I know) and I can say he's done an outstanding job.

Alejandro López-Valencia

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