pic floorB.pic | psroff -ms -t > floorB.ps
and get this output:
pic: 60 X 42 picture shrunk to 7 X 4.9
Wasn't sure if i could attach the pic file so i have attached it and included the could in this email below:
.PS ### #declarations for generic ### square = 1.5 wingwidth = 8*square middlewingwidth = 12*square winglen = 28*square groundwinglen = 25*square normalstairdiff = 3*square topstairdiff = normalstairdiff bottomstairdiff = normalstairdiff
############## #GENERIC NORTH ##############
NorthNW: line right wingwidth NorthNE: line down topstairdiff NorthNStair: Here move down square Northextra: line down winglen-topstairdiff-square NorthSE: line left wingwidth NorthSW: line up winglen move to NorthSE + (0,bottomstairdiff+square) NorthSStair: Here
############### #GENERIC MIDDLE ###############
move to NorthNE right (6*square)
MiddleNW: line right middlewingwidth
MiddleNE: line down topstairdiff
MiddleNEStair: Here
move down square
Middleextra: line down winglen-topstairdiff-square
MiddleSE: line left middlewingwidth
MiddleSW: line up winglen-topstairdiff-square
move up square
MiddleNWStair: Here
line up topstairdiff
move to MiddleSE + (0, bottomstairdiff+square)
MiddleSEStair: Here
move to MiddleSW + (0, bottomstairdiff+square)
MiddleSWStair: Here
MiddleLift: box wid (4/3)*square ht (4/3)*square "Lift" \
with .nw at MiddleNW + ((16/3)*square,-(4/3)*square)
MiddleFWC: box wid (10/3)*square ht (7/3)*square with .nw at MiddleNW
MiddleClean: box wid (8/3)*square ht (2/3)*square with .nw at MiddleFWC.sw
MiddleMWC: box wid (10/3)*square ht (7/3)*square with .ne at MiddleNE
MiddleDis: box wid (8/3)*square ht (2/3)*square with .ne at MiddleMWC.se
######################### #Connect North and Middle #########################
CorrNM1: line from NorthNStair to MiddleNWStair
CorrNM2: line from Northextra to MiddleSW.end
StairL: circle rad square "Stairs" with .s at CorrNM1.c
CorrNM3: line dashed 0.5 from (NorthSE + (0,topstairdiff+square)) to (MiddleSW + (0,topstairdiff+square))
CorrNM4: line dashed 0.5 from (NorthSE + (0,topstairdiff)) to (MiddleSW + (0,topstairdiff))
############## #GENERIC SOUTH ##############
move to MiddleNE right (6*square) SouthNW: line right wingwidth SouthNE: line down winglen SouthSE: line left wingwidth SouthSW: line up winglen-topstairdiff-square move up square SouthNStair: line up topstairdiff move to SouthSW + (0, bottomstairdiff+square) SouthSStair: Here
######################### #Connect Middle and South #########################
CorrMS1: line from MiddleNEStair to SouthNStair
CorrMS2: line from Middleextra to SouthSW.end
StairR: circle rad square "Stairs" with .s at CorrMS1.c
CorrMS3: line dashed 0.5 from (MiddleSE + (0,topstairdiff+square)) to (SouthSW + (0,topstairdiff+square))
CorrMS4: line dashed 0.5 from (MiddleSE + (0,topstairdiff)) to (SouthSW + (0,topstairdiff))
############## #Define macros ##############
#macro for room, $3 is name and phone number define room {box ht $1 wid $2 $3} #note these are curly brackets define ltel {$1 ljust above $2 + (0.02,0)} define lteln {$1 ljust below $2 + (0.02,0)} define rteln {$1 rjust below $2 - (0.02,0)} define rtel {$1 rjust above $2 - (0.02,0)}
#macros for nodes, left clash is always down,right clash is always up
define nodeup {circle rad 0.25*square with .c at $1 + 0,0.5*square;line from $1 to last circle}
define nodeupclash {circle rad 0.25*square with .c at $1 + 0.2,0.5*square;line from $1 to last circle}
define nodedown {circle rad 0.25*square with .c at $1 - 0,0.5*square;line from $1 to last circle}
define nodedownclash {circle rad 0.25*square with .c at $1 - 0.2,0.5*square;line from $1 to last circle}
define nodeleft {circle rad 0.25*square with .c at $1 - 0.5*square,0;line from $1 to last circle}
define nodeleftclash {circle rad 0.25*square with .c at $1 - 0.5*square,0.2;line from $1 to last circle}
define noderight {circle rad 0.25*square with .c at $1 + 0.5*square,0;line from $1 to last circle}
define noderightclash {circle rad 0.25*square with .c at $1 + 0.5*square,0.2;line from $1 to last circle}
define nodex1 {circle rad 0.25*square with .c at 0.5 <NorthNStair.end, Northextra.start>}
define nodelift {circle rad 0.25*square with .c at $1 - 0,((topstairdiff-((8/3)*square))+(0.5*square));line from $1 to last circle}
define nodewc {circle rad 0.25*square with .c at $1 - 0,((topstairdiff-(MiddleFWC.nw.y - MiddleFWC.sw.y))+(0.5*square));line from $1 to last circle}
#testing macro #A01: room(1,1, "\fBA32\fP" "Freddy Crude") #with .sw at some wall # ltel("\s-2\&998227\s+2", at A01.sw) # rtel("\s-2\&998227\s+2", at A01.se)
############ #North Rooms ############
#bottom row B01: box wid (wingwidth/3) ht 3*square "\fBB01\fP" with .sw at NorthSW B02: box wid (wingwidth/3) ht 3*square "\fBB02\fP" with .sw at B01.se B03: box wid (wingwidth/3) ht 3*square "\fBB03\fP" with .sw at B02.se
#right side
B04: box wid wingwidth ht 16*square "\fBB04\fP" with .sw at NorthSW + (0, 4*square)
B05: box wid 4*square ht 2*square "\fBB05\fP" with .se at B04.ne
B06: box wid 4*square ht 2*square "\fBB06\fP" with .se at B05.ne
#left side
B07: box invis wid (16/3)*square ht 3*square "\fBB07\fP" with .nw at NorthNW
############# #Middle Rooms #############
#bottom row, nodeup rooms B30: box wid 3*square ht 3*square "\fBB30\fP" with .sw at MiddleSW B31: box wid 3*square ht 3*square "\fBB31\fP" with .sw at B30.se B32: box wid 3*square ht 3*square "\fBB32\fP" with .sw at B31.se B33: box wid 3*square ht 3*square "\fBB33\fP" with .se at MiddleSE
#left side
B46: box wid 3*square ht 8*square "\fBB46\fP" with .nw at MiddleNW - (0, 4*square)
B47: box wid 3*square ht 2*square "\fBB47\fP" with .nw at B46.sw
B48: box wid 3*square ht 6*square "\fBB48\fP" with .nw at B47.sw
B49: box wid 3*square ht 2*square "\fBB49\fP" with .nw at B48.sw
B50: box wid 3*square ht 2*square "\fBB50\fP" with .nw at B49.sw
#middle column
B51: box wid 4*square ht 9*square "\fBB51\fP" with .sw at MiddleSW + (4*square, 4*square)
B52: box wid 4*square ht 2*square "\fBB52\fP" with .sw at B51.nw
B53: box wid 4*square ht 8*square "\fBB53\fP" with .sw at B52.nw + (0, square)
#right side
B34: box wid 3*square ht 2*square "\fBB34\fP" with .se at MiddleSE + (0, 4*square)
B35: box wid 3*square ht 2*square "\fBB35\fP" with .se at B34.ne
B36: box wid 3*square ht 4*square "\fBB36\fP " with .se at B35.ne
B37: box wid 3*square ht 2*square "\fBB37\fP" with .se at B36.ne
B38: box wid 3*square ht 6*square "\fBB38\fP" with .se at B37.ne
B39: box wid 3*square ht 4*square "\fBB39\fP" with .se at B38.ne
#top row
B40: box invis wid (MiddleDis.ne.x - MiddleDis.nw.x) \
ht (MiddleDis.nw.y - MiddleDis.sw.y) "\fBB40\fP Dis. WC" \
with .nw at MiddleDis.nw
B41: box invis wid (MiddleMWC.ne.x - MiddleMWC.nw.x) \
ht (MiddleMWC.nw.y - MiddleMWC.sw.y) "\fBB41\fP" "Male WC" \
with .nw at MiddleMWC.nw
B42: box wid 2*square ht (8/3)*square "\fBB42\fP" with .sw at MiddleLift.se
B43: box wid 2*square ht (8/3)*square "\fBB43\fP" with .se at MiddleLift.sw
B44: box invis wid (MiddleFWC.ne.x - MiddleFWC.nw.x) \
ht (MiddleFWC.nw.y - MiddleFWC.sw.y) "\fBB44\fP" "Female WC" \
with .nw at MiddleFWC.nw
B45: box invis wid (MiddleClean.ne.x - MiddleClean.nw.x) \
ht (MiddleClean.nw.y - MiddleClean.sw.y) \
"\fBB45\fP" \
with .nw at MiddleClean.nw
############ #South Rooms ############
#bottom row B70: box wid (8/3)*square ht 3*square "\fBB70\fP" with .sw at SouthSW B71: box wid (8/3)*square ht 3*square "\fBB71\fP" with .sw at B70.se B72: box wid (8/3)*square ht 3*square "\fBB72\fP" with .sw at B71.se
#right side
B73: box wid 4*square ht 4*square "\fBB73\fP" with .se at SouthSE + (0, 4*square)
B74: box wid 4*square ht 2*square "\fBB74\fP" with .se at B73.ne
B75: box wid 4*square ht 14*square "\fBB75\fP" with .se at B74.ne
#top row BS0: box wid 2*square ht (5/3)*square with .sw at \ SouthNW + (2*square,-3*square) line dotted from BS0.nw to BS0.se line dotted from BS0.ne to BS0.sw B76: box invis wid 4*square ht 3*square "\fBB76\fP" with .ne at SouthNE line from B76.sw to B76.se B77: box invis wid 2*square ht 3*square "\fBB77\fP" with .nw at SouthNW line from B77.sw to B77.se line down (4/3)*square from B77.ne + ((2/3)*square, 0)
#left side
B78: box wid 3*square ht 6*square "\fBB78\fP" with .nw at SouthNW - (0, 4*square)
B79: box wid 3*square ht 4*square "\fBB79\fP" with .nw at B78.sw
B80: box wid 3*square ht 4*square "\fBB80\fP" with .nw at B79.sw
B81: box wid 3*square ht 2*square "\fBB81\fP" with .nw at B80.sw
B82: box wid 3*square ht 2*square "\fBB82\fP" with .nw at B81.sw
B83: box wid 3*square ht 2*square "\fBB83\fP" with .nw at B82.sw
################ #Crossroad nodes ################
CRS2A: circle rad 0.25*square "\fB1\fP" with .c at B06.nw + (-0.5*square,0.5*square) #child:"VB06ND,HB07ND"
CRS2B: circle rad 0.25*square "\fB2\fP" with .c at B53.nw + (-0.5*square,0.5*square) #child:"HB44ND,HB43ND,VB46ND"
CRS2C: circle rad 0.25*square "\fB3\fP" with .c at B53.ne + (0.5*square,0.5*square) #child:"HB42ND,HB41ND,VB39ND"
CRS2D: circle rad 0.25*square "\fB4\fP" with .c at B52.nw + (-0.5*square,0.5*square) #child:"VB46ND,VB47ND,HB52ND"
CRS2E: circle rad 0.25*square "\fB5\fP" with .c at B52.ne + (0.5*square,0.5*square) #child:"VB38ND,VB37ND,HB52ND"
CRS2F: circle rad 0.25*square "\fB6\fP" with .c at B51.sw + (-0.5*square,-0.5*square) #child:"VB50ND,HB30ND,HB31ND"
CRS2G: circle rad 0.25*square "\fB7\fP" with .c at B51.se + (0.5*square,-0.5*square) #child:"VB34ND,HB32ND,HB33ND"
CRS2H: circle rad 0.25*square "\fB8\fP" with .c at B75.nw + (-0.5*square,0.5*square) #child:"HB77ND,HB76ND,VB78ND"
CRS2I: circle rad 0.25*square "\fB9\fP" with .c at B73.sw + (-0.5*square,-0.5*square) #child:"VB83ND,HB70ND,HB71ND"
############## #General nodes ##############
#bottom-n B01ND: nodeup(B01.n) #child:"HB04ND" B02ND: nodeupclash(B02.n) #child:"HB04ND,HB03ND" B03ND: nodeup(B03.n) #child:"HB02ND,HB30ND" #right-n B04ND: nodedownclash(B04.s) #child:"HB02ND,HB01ND" B05ND: nodeleft(B05.w) #child:"VB06ND" B06ND: nodeleft(B06.w) #child:"VB05ND,VCRS2A" #left-n B07ND: nodex1 #child:"HCRS2A,HSTLND"
#bottom-m B30ND: nodeup(B30.n) #child:"HB03ND,HCRS2F" B31ND: nodeup(B31.n) #child:"HCRS2F,HB32ND" B32ND: nodeup(B32.n) #child:"HB31ND,HCRS2G" B33ND: nodeup(B33.n) #child:"HCRS2G" #left-m B46ND: noderight(B46.e) #child:"VCRS2B,VCRS2D" B47ND: noderight(B47.e) #child:"VCRS2D,VB48ND" B48ND: noderight(B48.e) #child:"VB47ND,VB49ND" B49ND: noderight(B49.e) #child:"VB48ND,VB50ND" B50ND: noderight(B50.e) #child:"VB49ND,VCRS2F" #middle-m B51ND: noderight(B51.e) #child:"VB36ND,VB35ND" B52ND: nodeup(B52.n) #child:"HCRS2D,HCRS2E" B53ND: noderight(B53.e) #child:"VB39ND,VB38ND" #right-m B34ND: nodeleft(B34.w) #child:"VB35ND,VCRS2G" B35ND: nodeleft(B35.w) #child:"VB51ND,VB34ND" B36ND: nodeleft(B36.w) #child:"VB37ND,VB51ND" B37ND: nodeleft(B37.w) #child:"VCRS2E,VB36ND" B38ND: nodeleft(B38.w) #child:"VB53ND,VCRS2E" B39ND: nodeleft(B39.w) #child:"VCRS2C,VB53ND" #top-m B40ND: nodedown(B40.s) #child:"HB41ND,HSTRND" B41ND: nodewc(B41.s) #child:"HCRS2C,HB40ND" B42ND: nodelift(B42.s) #child:"HCRS2C,HBLIND" BLIND: nodelift(MiddleLift.s) #child:"HB43ND,HB42ND" B43ND: nodelift(B43.s) #child:"HCRS2B,HBLIND" B44ND: nodewc(B44.s) #child:"HB45ND,HCRS2B" B45ND: nodedown(B45.s) #child:"HSTLND,HB44ND"
#stair nodes STLND: nodedown(StairL.s) #child:"HB07ND,HB45ND,VSTLNA,VSTLNC" STRND: nodedown(StairR.s) #child:"HB40ND,HB77ND,VSTRNA,VSTRNC" #stair nodes for first floor STLNA: nodedown(StairL.s) STRNA: nodedown(StairR.s) #stair nodes third floor STLNC: nodedown(StairL.s) STRNC: nodedown(StairR.s)
#bottom-s B70ND: nodeup(B70.n) #child:"HCRS2I" B71ND: nodeup(B71.n) #child:"HCRS2I,HB72ND" B72ND: nodeup(B72.n) #child:"HB71ND" #right-s B73ND: nodeleft(B73.w) #child:"VB82ND,VB83ND" B74ND: nodeleftclash(B74.w) #child:"VB82ND,VB81ND" B75ND: nodeleft(B75.w) #child:"VB78ND,VB79ND" #top-s B76ND: nodedown(B76.s) #child:"HCRS2H" B77ND: nodedown(B77.s) #child:"HSTRND,HCRS2H" #left-s B78ND: noderight(B78.e) #child:"VCRS2H,VB75ND" B79ND: noderight(B79.e) #child:"VB75ND,VB80ND" B80ND: noderight(B80.e) #child:"VB79ND,VB81ND" B81ND: noderightclash(B81.e) #child:"VB80ND,VB74ND" B82ND: noderight(B82.e) #child:"VB74ND,VB73ND" B83ND: noderight(B83.e) #child:"VB73ND,VCRS2I" #end .PE
<<attachment: floorB.pic>>
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