On Wednesday 30 March 2005 7:49 pm, Otavio Exel wrote:
> Otavio Exel wrote:
> > How do I get groff to split but don't join?
> being a software developer myself, I must admit I've never had the
> "guts" to try to understand groff macros; this was the first time and I
> liked it (except for the mandatory leading dot, of course);

Why "of course"?  Placing a period in the first column on a line is a fairly 
natural choice to discriminate between mark up code and running text -- in 
English text at least, and presumably the majority of, if not all Western 
European languages, it would be most unnatural to begin a line with a period, 
or indeed any of the punctuation characters which normally appear only at the 
end of sentences.

If you are working in a language which does normally start lines with a dot,
you can always use the .cc request to substitute something more appropriate 
to your needs, (and the .c2 request, if necessary to substitute something 
more appropriate than an apostrophe, for the non-breaking control character).


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