On Thu Mar 10 15:02:04 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2005, Mats Broberg wrote:
> > 1: Language, how is that handled? Different languages need different
> > hyphenation files.
> Language-specific hyphenation is not implemented as a mom macro.
> The groff request, .hla <language>, is how to do it.
> You have to have a hyphenation pattern file for the requested
> language.  Groff ships with US English only, but, as I understand
> it, the format of hyphenation files is identical to those used
> by TeX, so you should be able to grab what you need off the Web.
> Werner is certain to know more about this than I.

He does, but in the meanwhile I can offer this snippet from an all-Swedish
text of mine:

.hla sv
.hcode ä ä å å ö ö
.hcode Ä ä Å å Ö ö
.hcode é e
.\" use the swedish hyphenation rules which come with TeX
.\" (should probably not refer to it with an absolute path)
.hpf /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/hyphen/sehyph.tex

... and as I understand, it you may use the .hla request to alternate between
different languagges.

I think that's the complete recipe for doing the best possible hyphenation
in a language where å, ä, ö are characters and é is a decorated e -- but
correct me if I'm wrong.


  // Jörgen Grahn       "Koka lopplummer, bada Ross, loppor borta."
\X/ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                   -- Jonas

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