gbranden pushed a commit to branch master
in repository groff.

commit f1b2fd8cd78b68cad9fda025b3dc20aac5e06f9b
Author: G. Branden Robinson <>
AuthorDate: Sun Mar 2 22:14:39 2025 -0600

    [troff]: Implement recursive node dumping (4/9).
    * src/roff/troff/node.cpp (class charinfo_node): Declare member function
      `dump_properties()` overriding base here...
      (class glyph_node): ...instead of here.
      (composite_node::dump_properties): Rename this...
      (charinfo_node::dump_properties): this (and relocate it to
      live alongside `charinfo_node`'s other member functions).
      (class glyph_node): Undeclare member function `dump_node()`.
      (glyph_node::dump_node): Drop.  The `charinfo_node` base class
      now does everything its derived classes need.
    Changes `pline` request output as follows.
    -{"type": "glyph_node", "character": "d", "diversion level": 0, 
"is_special_node": false},
    -{"type": "glyph_node", "character": "e", "diversion level": 0, 
"is_special_node": false},
    -{"type": "glyph_node", "character": "f", "diversion level": 0, 
"is_special_node": false},
    +{"type": "glyph_node", "diversion level": 0, "is_special_node": false, 
"character": "d"},
    +{"type": "glyph_node", "diversion level": 0, "is_special_node": false, 
"character": "e"},
    +{"type": "glyph_node", "diversion level": 0, "is_special_node": false, 
"character": "f"},
 ChangeLog               | 12 +++++++
 src/roff/troff/node.cpp | 90 +++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 2 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index f53b11080..0da838c93 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+2025-03-02  G. Branden Robinson <>
+       * src/roff/troff/node.cpp (class charinfo_node): Declare
+       member function `dump_properties()` overriding base here...
+       (class glyph_node): ...instead of here.
+       (composite_node::dump_properties): Rename this...
+       (charinfo_node::dump_properties): this (and relocate it to
+       live alongside `charinfo_node`'s other member functions).
+       (class glyph_node): Undeclare member function `dump_node()`.
+       (glyph_node::dump_node): Drop.  The `charinfo_node` base class
+       now does everything its derived classes need.
 2025-03-02  G. Branden Robinson <>
        * src/roff/troff/node.cpp (class composite_node): Rename member
diff --git a/src/roff/troff/node.cpp b/src/roff/troff/node.cpp
index 5b6b66b05..dfc451ba6 100644
--- a/src/roff/troff/node.cpp
+++ b/src/roff/troff/node.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ along with this program.  If not, see 
<>. */
 #include "charinfo.h"
 #include "input.h"
 #include "geometry.h"
+#include "json-encode.h" // json_encode_char()
 #include "posix.h"
 #include "nonposix.h"
@@ -1865,6 +1866,7 @@ public:
   int ends_sentence();
   int overlaps_vertically();
   int overlaps_horizontally();
+  void dump_properties();
 charinfo_node::charinfo_node(charinfo *c, statem *s, int divlevel,
@@ -1892,6 +1894,31 @@ int charinfo_node::overlaps_vertically()
   return ci->overlaps_vertically();
+void charinfo_node::dump_properties()
+  node::dump_properties();
+  // GNU troff multiplexes the distinction of ordinary vs. special
+  // characters though the special character code zero.
+  unsigned char c = ci->get_ascii_code();
+  if (c) {
+    fputs(", \"character\": ", stderr);
+    // It's not a `string` or `symbol` we can `.json_dump()`, so we have
+    // to write the quotation marks ourselves.
+    fputc('\"', stderr);
+    json_char jc = json_encode_char(c);
+    // Write out its JSON representation by character by character to
+    // keep libc string functions from interpreting C escape sequences.
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < jc.len; i++)
+      fputc(jc.buf[i], stderr);
+    fputc('\"', stderr);
+  }
+  else {
+    fputs(", \"special character\": ", stderr);
+    ci->nm.json_dump();
+  }
+  fflush(stderr);
 class glyph_node : public charinfo_node {
   tfont *tf;
@@ -1932,7 +1959,6 @@ public:
   const char *type();
   bool causes_tprint();
   bool is_tag();
-  void dump_node();
 class ligature_node : public glyph_node {
@@ -2209,50 +2235,6 @@ void glyph_node::ascii_print(ascii_output_file *ascii)
-// XXX: This and `composite_node::dump_node()` are identical.  C++
-// presumably has several different solutions for this.  Pick one.
-void glyph_node::dump_node()
-  fprintf(stderr, "{\"type\": \"%s\"", type());
-  // GNU troff multiplexes the distinction of ordinary vs. special
-  // characters though the special character code zero.
-  unsigned char c = ci->get_ascii_code();
-  if (c) {
-    fputs(", \"character\": ", stderr);
-    fputc('\"', stderr);
-    // JSON-encode the (printable Basic Latin) character.
-    switch (c) {
-    case '"':
-    case '\\':
-    case '/':
-      fputc('\\', stderr);
-      // fall through
-    default:
-      fputc(c, stderr);
-      break;
-    }
-    fputc('\"', stderr);
-  }
-  else {
-    fputs(", \"special character\": ", stderr);
-    ci->nm.json_dump();
-  }
-  fprintf(stderr, ", \"diversion level\": %d", div_nest_level);
-  fprintf(stderr, ", \"is_special_node\": %s",
-         is_special ? "true" : "false");
-  if (push_state) {
-    fputs(", \"push_state\": ", stderr);
-    push_state->display_state();
-  }
-  if (state) {
-    fputs(", \"state\": ", stderr);
-    state->display_state();
-  }
-  fputs("}", stderr);
-  fflush(stderr);
 ligature_node::ligature_node(charinfo *c, tfont *t,
                             color *gc, color *fc,
                             node *gn1, node *gn2, statem *s,
@@ -5041,18 +5023,14 @@ void composite_node::dump_properties()
   unsigned char c = ci->get_ascii_code();
   if (c) {
     fputs(", \"character\": ", stderr);
+    // It's not a `string` or `symbol` we can `.json_dump()`, so we have
+    // to write the quotation marks ourselves.
     fputc('\"', stderr);
-    // JSON-encode the (printable Basic Latin) character.
-    switch (c) {
-    case '"':
-    case '\\':
-    case '/':
-      fputc('\\', stderr);
-      // fall through
-    default:
-      fputc(c, stderr);
-      break;
-    }
+    json_char jc = json_encode_char(c);
+    // Write out its JSON representation by character by character to
+    // keep libc string functions from interpreting C escape sequences.
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < jc.len; i++)
+      fputc(jc.buf[i], stderr);
     fputc('\"', stderr);
   else {

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