Hi Andi,

up to now there are no instructions available on how to enable SSL on the 
Swift/S3 endpoints.

The only thing is that you can enable SSL on the authentication path. So your 
connection to Swift authentication on port 35357 will be secured and the S3 
authentication arriving at http port 8080 will internally take the SSL path, if 
configured properly. We have successfully done that in a test environment. Be 
sure to use the --pwd-file option with the "mmuserauth service create ..." and 
verify the proxy settings afterwards. It should look like this:

# mmobj config list --ccrfile proxy-server.conf --section filter:s3token

auth_uri = use = egg:swift3#s3token
insecure = true You can correct wrong settings with # mmobj config change 
--ccrfile proxy-server.conf --section filter:s3token --property insecure 
--value true
# mmobj config change --ccrfile proxy-server.conf --section filter:s3token 
--property auth_uri --value '' Regards, Christian

> i have tried what you suggested. mmobj swift base ran fine. but after i have 
> deleted the userauth and try to set it up again with ks-ssl enabled it just 
> hangs:
> # mmuserauth service create --data-access-method object --type local 
> --enable-ks-ssl
> still waiting for it to finish, 15 mins now.. :)

>>     Basically all i need is this:
>>     https://s3.something.com:8080 https://s3.something.com:8080 which points 
>> to the WAN ip of the CES cluster (already configured and ready)
>>     and endpoints like this:
>>     None | keystone | identity | True | public | 
>> https://cluster_domain:5000/ 
>> https://cluster_domain:5000/
>>     RegionOne | swift | object-store | True | public | 
>> https://cluster_domain:443/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s
>>     RegionOne | swift | object-store | True | public | 
>> https://cluster_domain:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s

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