On Sun, Mar 16, 2025 at 3:31 PM Jayathra Abeywarna
<jayathra.abeywa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I’m exploring ways to make programming more accessible to people who don’t 
> speak English or use the Latin script. Right now, most programming languages 
> use English-based keywords and Latin characters, which can make it harder for 
> non-English speakers to learn and use them effectively.
> I want to hear from people who might have faced this challenge or thought 
> about solutions. Some key questions I’m exploring:
> Have there been efforts to allow Go code to be written in non-Latin scripts 
> while maintaining full compatibility with existing Go programs?
> Would function aliases or translated keywords be useful, or would they create 
> more problems than they solve?
> What challenges arise when trying to program in Go without fluency in English?
> If you’ve seen projects that attempted something similar or have any thoughts 
> on how this could work, I’d love to hear your insights.

It's not quite what you are talking about, but in general Go is fairly
international except for the keywords and predeclared identifiers.
That is, you can declare identifiers and write comments in whatever
language you like. That said I'll point out https://go.dev/issue/20706
and https://go.dev/issue/27896.


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