Typically http servers start a goroutine per client. If your mock server is 
doing that
(without seeing the code, we cannot tell), a debugger won't step between 
the client 
and server goroutines. Put print statements in to tell what is actually 
I have a little library I use constantly to debug in Go. I end up embedding 
most of my applications. It turns out to be radically
faster to print rather than use a debugger; and printing doesn't care how 
many goroutines
you have going at once. https://github.com/glycerine/vprint

On Friday, March 14, 2025 at 10:47:25 PM UTC David Karr wrote:

> A little while ago, I was able to write some unit tests for some code that 
> makes an http connection.  I created a mockserver and a client using that 
> server. That test in that application works fine.
> I'm now trying to do basically the same thing in a different application. 
> I'm trying to start with just a low-level handler that gets called for 
> anything, and I'll iterate it into something useful. However, for some 
> reason my CUT (code under test) is simply not calling my mocked handler, 
> and I don't understand why. I must be making a simple mistake, but I'm just 
> not seeing it.
> My test looks like this so far (not actually testing anything yet):
> func TestProcessProjectSimple(t *testing.T) {
>     reader, writer, err := os.Pipe()
>     if err != nil {
>         t.Fatal(err)
>     }
>     defer reader.Close()
>     defer writer.Close()
>     handler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
>         w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
>     }
>     server := newMockServer(handler)
>     defer server.Close()
>     scmType = Github
>     githubHttpClient = NewHTTPClient(server.Client(), "abc")
>     processProject(writer, "projectName")
> }
> func newMockServer(handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc) *httptest.Server {
>     return httptest.NewServer(handlerFunc)
> }
> The "processProject" method makes a call like this:
> githubHttpClient.fetchGithubRepositoriesInOrg(outputFile, projectName)
> That method has a receiver definition of "(hc *HTTPClientData)" and makes 
> a call like this:
>             resp, err := hc.client.Do(req)
> When I step over that line, I'm expecting it to step into my one-line 
> handler defined earlier, but it does not.

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