I agree this is very good news. I don't have any visibility into the 
timing, but from watching other modules, I'd say it can be hard to predict 
how long it takes a module to proceed through the process. Up to a year 

Have you looked at GOEXPERIMENT=boringcrypto and importing 
"crypto/tls/fipsonly"? Those might meet your immediate needs by using the 
CMVP BoringCrypto. I believe Microsoft also publishes some FIPS capable Go 
releases using external CMVP libraries.



On Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 12:35:29 PM UTC-5 Jussi Nummelin wrote:

> Hey,
> I was pleasantly surprised to see that from 1.24 onwards, Golang itself 
> will have/get FIPS support.
> It says on the description <https://go.dev/doc/security/fips140>:
> > Go Cryptographic Module version v1.0.0 is currently under test with a 
> CMVP-accredited laboratory. 
> Does anyone know any timeline expectations of when that testing would be 
> done and when Golang 1.24+ would have the "official" FIPS stamp on it? And 
> no, I'm not expecting anyone to really know a specific date but even a 
> rough estimate like "in the summertime", "next year" would greatly help us 
> decide whether we can wait for it or do we need to start working on some 
> custom solution, which would be less than desirable naturally. :D
> Cheers,
> - Jussi -

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