Zip files are impossible to reason about on Github and a potential security 
thread. I'd not even try to find out what might be inside...

On Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 1:40:43 PM UTC+1 alex-coder wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was given a shelter there:
> gussev/llm: <>
> In case someone is in interest of course. :-)
> Thank you.
> вторник, 28 января 2025 г. в 19:45:53 UTC+3, alex-coder: 
>> Hi All !
>> Recently I have made a step towards to the first letter in LLM 
>> abbreviation - Large. That means that soft now could work with LLM data 
>> model is located in file system and only take into RAM data which one is 
>> necessary to compute result.
>> But unfortunately so far I'm not able to pass 2FA to deploy newest 
>> version. :-) 
>> So, in case someone is in interest drop me a message I'll send you a new 
>> version.
>> News:
>> file config. There are added two parameters:
>> 1. "store" has two options "ram" and "file", tells to the llm where to 
>> keep data model in ram or in a file system.
>> 2. "capacity" - the maximum size for each of the files where llm would 
>> keep information for the data model. 
>> memo: default file size would be 16384 but in reality the file size will 
>> be 3 times more, do not be afraid, this is my fault.
>> Thank you.
>> ps. in case I will not be able to pass a 2FA for I have to 
>> find another place to deploy my page. :-) Thank you again.

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