I wrote some code to load a yaml file and do some work with the resulting 
data.  I'm using the "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" package for it.  This has been 
working fine for properly formatted YAML.  However, today I discovered that 
a slightly misformatted YAML file is being happily loaded by this code, 
without throwing any error, but also making sort of odd decisions on what 
data to actually load, although seeing what it did I suppose that's 

In my suspect yaml file, I have something like this:

        - key1
          - key2
          - key3

Note the incorrect indentation for "key2" and "key3".

When I load this with code like this:

    err = yaml.Unmarshal(configFile, &config)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to parse configuration file: %v", err)

This unexpectedly does NOT fail. However, it produces a "keys" list with 
only one entry, with the following value:

    key1 - key2 - key3

I can sort of see why it would make that decision. Is the lesson here that 
YAML is intended to be easily readable, but not easily writable? I see that 
there are some command-line tools for consistent formatting of YAML, but I 
need this done in code, but I think I'd rather just fail if the formatting 
is inconsistent. Is there any kind of a "strict yaml parser" that will 
notice things like this?

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