Hi Fellow Gophers

I wonder is there a canonical implementation for the Gauss Hypergeometric 


There's this proposal <https://github.com/golang/go/issues/24241> that 
didn't get through.
There's also this implementation 
<https://pkg.go.dev/scientificgo.org/special#HypPFQ>, but it's unclear of 
its correctness.

By correctness, I mean clear documentation on the underlying algorithm used 
to evaluate the function.
For example, the R hypergeo 
<https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/hypergeo/hypergeo.pdf> package 
leverages the transformations listed in Abramhowitz, and applies the best 
one under the `tol` and `max_iterations` budget.

What package do people mostly use for statistical or mathematical work?

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