Thanks Ian,

On Monday, 24 February 2025 at 20:54:27 UTC Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

> there wouldOn Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 12:35 PM 'Paul Ruane' via
> golang-nuts <> wrote:
> >
> > I hit a problem today whereby a gRPC call did not come back with a 
> status of cancelled, despite the request context being cancelled.
> >
> > Tracing it through I found that it was because of a failed DNS lookup 
> and that the DNS code does not propagate the context cancelled error. I was 
> wondering if there was a particular reason for this?
> >
> > In the code at these locations (at least), the `context.Canceled` error 
> is mapped to a `net.CanceledError` (which has unwrap semantics), but is 
> then promptly converted to a string:
> >
> > • 
> > • 
> >
> > The struct `DNSError` does actually have a field called `UnwrapErr`, but 
> it does not get populated in these cases. I was going to raise an issue but 
> thought I would check here first.
> What you are describing is basically which
> led to I think you've found a bug in the
> code that addressed those issues ( Please
> open a new issue. Thanks.
> Ian


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