Hi, gophers, here is our dilemma.

We build system managing infrastructure such as Kubernetes. With that comes 
the need to write
a lot of maintenance scripts. For now they are all written in Bash, which 
is hard to edit and test. 
As the community suggests, do not write Bash code more than 100 lines. The 
file we wrote is more than 500 lines.Another option is to use Python, a 
better choice, but has its own disadvantages. When we need some 
capabilities beyond the standard libraries, we need to add
 pip rpms. The dependency is a mess and can easily corrupt the OS.

That's when I started to consider Go might be an option as long as we can 
get rid of the compiling part. 

Here is the ideal Go script interpreter I wish.

1. It is a gosh like bash binary residues in the system.
2. It can invoke a script.go file, dynamically parse and execute the 
3. It can only support those functions and libraries compiled earlier into 
4. It can be easily added with any libraries in advance.
5. The source file is exactly the same with normal go source files, and can 
be compiled into its own separate binary.

Such an interpreter can be very stable for a Bash alternative. All you need 
is a gosh, all 
other Go fmt, vet, vulcheck can seamlessly inherit. And it comes with a 
very little overhead 
for Go developers to learn and use.

As far as I know, there is no such project.

https://github.com/matryer/goscript is a similar one but seems out of date 
and depends on go toolchain;
https://github.com/bitfield/script is really not a go-style one, too 

Can this be a real need? Is there any difficulties in bringing it into the 
real world?
I'd like to hear from you gophers, thanks.

Best wishes.


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