I have a command line manager tool that builds the starting environment for 
a process and calls cmd.Start().

The code sets (doesn't need to as it starts as nil, but does to be extra 
explicit) cmd.ExtraFiles = nil, but even then I seem to inherit a bunch of 
FDs from the CLI - I noticed because the oddities belong to VSCode terminal 
(cmd dump first, just before to call to cmd.Start()):

2024-11-08T10:08:09Z DEBUG: pkg/host/local.go:221 host.(*Local).Start() > 
cordial: cmd: 
"Demo Gateway", "-gateway-name", "Demo Gateway", "-resources-dir", 
"/home/peter/geneos/packages/gateway/active_prod/resources", "-log", 
"/home/peter/geneos/gateway/gateways/Demo Gateway/gateway.log", "-setup", 
"/home/peter/geneos/gateway/gateways/Demo Gateway/gateway.setup.xml", 
"-licd-host", "localhost", "-ssl-certificate", 
"/home/peter/geneos/gateway/gateways/Demo Gateway/gateway.pem", 
"-ssl-certificate-key", "/home/peter/geneos/gateway/gateways/Demo 
Gateway/gateway.key", "-ssl-certificate-chain", 
"/home/peter/geneos/gateway/gateways/Demo Gateway/chain.pem", 
"-licd-secure", "-key-file", 
Env:[]string{"TEST2=memory", "TEST=mytest2", 
Dir:"/home/peter/geneos/gateway/gateways/Demo Gateway", 
Stdin:io.Reader(nil), Stdout:(*os.File)(0xc000166288), 
Stderr:(*os.File)(0xc000166288), ExtraFiles:[]*os.File(nil), 
Process:(*os.Process)(nil), ProcessState:(*os.ProcessState)(nil), 
ctx:context.Context(nil), Err:error(nil), Cancel:(func() error)(nil), 
WaitDelay:0, childIOFiles:[]io.Closer(nil), parentIOPipes:[]io.Closer(nil), 
goroutine:[]func() error(nil), goroutineErr:(<-chan error)(nil), 
ctxResult:(<-chan exec.ctxResult)(nil), createdByStack:[]uint8(nil), 
lookPathErr:error(nil), cachedLookExtensions:struct { in string; out string 
}{in:"", out:""}}
gateway "Demo Gateway" started with PID 55903

FDs 19 and above seem to be inherited:

peter@thinkpad:~/cordial/tools/geneos$ lsof -p 55903
gateway2. 55903 peter  cwd    DIR  259,2     4096 22284207 
/home/peter/geneos/gateway/gateways/Demo Gateway
gateway2. 55903 peter  rtd    DIR  259,2     4096        2 /
gateway2. 55903 peter   19w   REG  259,2     6014 22857682 
gateway2. 55903 peter   20w   REG  259,2     2000 22857683 
gateway2. 55903 peter   21u   CHR    5,2      0t0       91 /dev/ptmx
gateway2. 55903 peter   22u   CHR    5,2      0t0       91 /dev/ptmx
gateway2. 55903 peter   23u   CHR    5,2      0t0       91 /dev/ptmx

Am I missing anything?

Code (which is far from clean, sorry) is scattered 
around https://github.com/ITRS-Group/cordial/blob/main/pkg/host/local.go#L214

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