Usually you just set to nil any channel you do not want to use. You do also 
have to
typically keep track of whether a channel is closed already or not in a 
bool variable that is protected by a mutex. But anyway, a nil chan can
still be used in a select. But if nil, then select {} will ignore it.

Remember that channels are reference types (pointers inside; like maps) so 
setting your local 
copy of a chan to nil will not effect the copy of the same chan elsewhere.

You can even call a function within the select case that returns nil or 
live channel depending
on an arbitrary condition you decide on. I call this "conditional send" or 
"conditional receive".
It is a useful pattern.

also useful:
import ""  // just FYI, see NewHalter() for 
handling shutdown and channel wrappers that can can have Close() called 
many times. Useful for cleanup/shutdown sequences that have inherent 
non-determinism/multipath races.

example of conditional send/receive:

regularChan := make(chan int)

select {
  case: myInt  := <- conditionalReceive(regularChan):
  case conditionalSend(regularChan) <- 9:

func conditionalReceive(regularChan chan int) chan int {
     if youWantToReceiveNow {
           return regularChan
    return nil
func conditionalSend(regularChan chan int) chan int {
    if youWantToSendNow {
          return regularChan
     return nil

On Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 2:08:33 PM UTC+1 Aniket Pandey wrote:

> Has anyone have implemented the logic in order to check if the channel is 
> active if the channel is active then only will write the data .if yes how 
> to do so?  As i am getting the Following error: *panic: **send on closed 
> channel*
> As a writer go routine i want to only write data to active channels 
> ..

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