I wrote this RPC package recently:


`rpc25519` is a fun little RPC package that I cooked up to
get comfortable with modern (Ed25519) rather than
antiquated (RSA) crypto primitives.

Along the way I made a very
helpful tool called `selfy`.
It makes generating self-signed
certificate authorities
and self-signed ed25519 keys easy.
Importantly, these certs will
work on any host. So you don't
have to buy a domain
name to deploy certs or this RPC system.

Other cool things I discovered:

1) quic-go QUIC can get way, way more throughput
than Go's TLS stack for lots of short messages
and new connects. Holy cow its
not enough close. TLS over TCP
will start dragging
after 100 connections in a few seconds, but
QUIC just surges through.
Big Kuddos to the QUIC designers
and the quic-go implementers.

2) QUIC is also super fun because its easy to share
a single UDP port for your client and server. This
can make traversing NATs easier. The rpc25519
package does this by default, so its pretty
easy to set up by copying what it is doing.
See quic_server.go and quic_client.go

2.5) The only sadness to QUIC is on VPNs
over IPv6. See the README for notes/cautions
on this. Its nuts to me to realize that
global IPv6 networks can be so poorly setup.

3) Setting up symmetric pre-shared keys for
post-quantum safety is not that hard. Inspired
by Wireguard, optionally, inside TLS, I have rpc25519
do a quick Diffie-Hellman handshake then mix
in the pre-shared key for forward secrecy
over each connection. It is actually very
little code. symmetric.go has it. The
embedded systems guys who need pre-shared key
support may find this a good starting
point. TLS is an awesome beast but
still a beast sometimes in small places.

4) The frozen net/rpc standard lib
package is such a tight design. I
really enjoyed reading its code.
Since its frozen is probably not
a great idea to build on it
directly, so I decided to reproduce
its interface. I glued the top layer on as a
second API option, and its kind of fun
to work with.
I also added context.Context
optionally to the server's up-calls
so you can query your net.Conn and
figure out who you are talking to/
get other meta data. All
in all, kind of delightful. 

Feedback welcome.



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