I ended up putting all the initialization of import in the osinit() 
function in os_windows.go.
So in osinit() I have something like 

func osinit () {
       _AddVectoredContinueHandler = 
       _AddVectoredExceptionHandler = 
_CloseHandle = 

With that I was able to delete all the cgo_import_dynamic ... ALL EXCEPT 
the tlsAlloc one !!!!!

It is driving me crazy !!!!! It seems I cannot get rid of 
//go:cgo_import_dynamic of TlsAlloc, even if I initialise in osinit() like 
the others !!!!

I noticed that TlsAlloc is called by wintls that is called by rt0_go if the 
GOOS is windows.

I tried to create a function
func initTls() {
   _tlsAlloc = 

Then just before wintls in rt0_go add

CALL runtime.initTls(SB)

This compile but initTls is never executed. My guess is that TlsAlloc is 
used to allocate memory for the function in runtime package to run ... So I 
cannot run any go code before doing TlsAlloc, which in turn make my 
"tlsAlloc")) not valid because no memory is allocated for them to run in 
the thread ...

So yeah, in the end it is a shame that I was able to get rid of the IAT 
except for TlsAlloc :(
Le dimanche 20 octobre 2024 à 09:57:32 UTC+2, rudeus greyrat a écrit :

> Why do you want that? ---> Lots of reasons
>    - Less AV detection for exe compiled by Go from Virustotal
>    - More control on the IAT in exe (I can fine tune detection)
>    - Combined with -buildmode=pie I am closer on getting a shellcode 
> About the last point, I am studying if it is possible to compile a go exe 
> --> extract .text ---> run the thing in memory. Basically I know it will be 
> impossible unless I really modify the toolchain to have 
>    1. no pdata ---> still haven't done it
>    2. no .data ---> still haven't done it
>    3. no IAT  ---> doing now
>    4. pie code ---> already done with buildmode
> Basically what I am trying to simulate is something like the donut project 
> but in native go ...
> It is all for educational purposes and fun and learn how go works ofc.
> Anyways for my problem above , I found a solution that works.
> I just declared a function in os_windows.go
> ```
> func InitalizeImports() {
> println("Started Init")
> _AddVectoredContinueHandler = 
> stdFunction(unsafe.Pointer(GetProcAddressReplacement(GetModuleHandleReplacement("ntdll.dll"),
> "RtlAddVectoredContinueHandler")))
> _AddVectoredExceptionHandler = 
> stdFunction(unsafe.Pointer(GetProcAddressReplacement(GetModuleHandleReplacement("ntdll.dll"),
> "RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler")))
> _CloseHandle = 
> stdFunction(unsafe.Pointer(GetProcAddressReplacement(GetModuleHandleReplacement("kernel32.dll"),
> "CloseHandle")))
> _CreateEventA = 
> stdFunction(unsafe.Pointer(GetProcAddressReplacement(GetModuleHandleReplacement("kernel32.dll"),
> "CreateEventA")))
> }
> ```
> That I call in signal_windows.go (seems the first place where winapi call 
> are needed for now)
> ```
> func initExceptionHandler() {
>         InitalizeImports()
> stdcall2(_AddVectoredExceptionHandler, 1, abi.FuncPCABI0(exceptiontramp))
> if GOARCH == "386" {
> // use SetUnhandledExceptionFilter for windows-386.
> // note: SetUnhandledExceptionFilter handler won't be called, if debugging.
> stdcall1(_SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, abi.FuncPCABI0(lastcontinuetramp))
> } else {
> stdcall2(_AddVectoredContinueHandler, 1, 
> abi.FuncPCABI0(firstcontinuetramp))
> stdcall2(_AddVectoredContinueHandler, 0, abi.FuncPCABI0(lastcontinuetramp))
> }
> }
> ```
> Then I can delete the cgo_import_dynamic of the defined api call, and all 
> the exe compiled with the new toolchain are working and does not contain 
> _AddVectoredContinueHandler, 
> _AddVectoredExceptionHandler, _CloseHandle, _CreateEventA in the IAT.
> Thanks
> Rudeus Greyrat
> Le dimanche 20 octobre 2024 à 05:27:14 UTC+2, Ian Lance Taylor a écrit :
>> On Sat, Oct 19, 2024 at 8:11 PM rudeus greyrat 
>> <rudeusqu...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>> > 
>> > I want to have an empty IAT when I compile go exe. 
>> Why do you want that? 
>> > I noticed that all the imports in the IAT are because of a file in go 
>> runtime package called 
>> https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/runtime/os_windows.go 
>> > 
>> > So having ```//go:cgo_import_dynamic runtime._CloseHandle CloseHandle%1 
>> "kernel32.dll"``` will result in the address of CloseHandle winapi being in 
>> the local variable _CloseHandle and resulting in CloseHandle appearing in 
>> the import table. 
>> > 
>> > I was not able to understand what cgo_import_dynamic really does (nor 
>> find the code behind it). 
>> The //go:cgo_import_dynamic directive is documented in the long 
>> "implementation details" comment in cmd/cgo/doc.go. 
>> Ian 

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