What's your use case? Would TinyGo be sufficient for your needs?

"TinyGo code runs on a single core, in a single thread (think GOMAXPROCS=1)"

On Tuesday 10 September 2024 at 14:54:56 UTC+1 Karolina GORNA wrote:

> Hello,
> Maybe the question has already been asked, but I would be glad to have 
> your feedback.
> *Can a golang program be compiled to run with only one goroutine, or at 
> least one "OS thread" ?*
> I am aware of using GOMAXPROCS(1) to have only one "OS thread" or to use 
> taskset 
> -c 1 go build . to force having one "OS thread". These commands don't 
> really work in practice, since with trace execution tools, I can see that 
> many threads are used during the execution at the end.
> Thank you for your help,
> Karolina 
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