On Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 1:52 PM 'James Lees' via golang-nuts
<golang-nuts@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've never posted here, so apologies if I'm breaching any etiquette, but the 
> contribution guide suggests posting here before creating an issue so I 
> thought I'd try.
> I was debugging an issue recently and saw some strange behaviour in the 
> x/time/rate package.
> The behaviour is exhibited in the following test
> func TestRateIssue(t *testing.T) {
> l := NewLimiter(0, 1)
> fmt.Println(l.Allow()) // should be true
> fmt.Println(l.Allow()) // should be false
> l.SetLimit(10)
> time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
> fmt.Println(l.Allow()) // should be true but is false.
> }
> This code seems very strange to me. If the burst is 1, decrementing it here 
> means that the limiter becomes unusable even if the limit is subsequently 
> increased.
> This code appeared here but the conversation doesn't really reflect the code: 
> the comment says:
> > The opposite in fact needs to happen: lim.tokens must be reduced by the n 
> > consumed tokens?
> Which makes sense to me, but I'm not sure how we ended up decrementing the 
> burst. To me the solution to the reported problem (limiters not actually 
> being full) would be to set lim.tokens on the constructor, but I haven't 
> thought about that too deeply.
> I'm happy to propose a change/create an issue but hopefully you folks can 
> help me understand whether I'm missing something obvious!

I agree that this seems wrong.  Want to open a bug report or send a patch?


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