GOFIPS doesn't appear anywhere in the official Google Go source, AFAICT.
And the document at
is reasonably clear that simply setting GOEXPERIMENT=boringcrypto is all
that is needed using the official Go implementation. I can't speak to the
Microsoft fork of Go. While asking here about the Microsoft fork is a
reasonable thing to do you may want to look for any discussion forums
dedicated to the Microsoft fork.

On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 6:41 PM Damien A <linuxguru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using the Microsoft version of Go lang as that is what my work
> instructed me to use.  My only task was to build Grafana using FIPS (or as
> close to it as i can get). As i mentioned in Microsoft Go 1.20.5 i was able
> to build using GOEXPERIMENT=opensslcrypto, and GOFIPS=1, but it appears now
> that with 1.21 Go that is no longer working using the same exact method. I
> have tried to use GOEXPERIMENT=systemcrypto, but it fails as well.
> I guess the ultimate question I have is do i even need to set GOFIPS=1
> during compile to even make it FIPS compliant? it appears from Microsoft's
> FIPS page that it doesn't need to be set?
> https://github.com/microsoft/go/blob/microsoft/main/eng/doc/fips/README.md
> So am I correct to think as long as I set GOEXPERIMENT=systemcrypto and
> compile that I am good on the build side of it? I also have applied a few
> changes that removes the not so good Ciphers from the SSL that was taken
> from the Fedora Project page.
> What's interesting is if i just try to run: /usr/local/go/bin/go version,
> that fails if i have GOFIPS=1, and GOEXPERIMENT=systemcrypto, so i can even
> just simply have it print the version number which is strange. So not sure
> if when i manually compiled the Microsoft Go if i broke something or not? I
> am really just trying to understand how critical is it to set GOFIPS=1
> during the build process? Is it a required option in order to build the go
> package?
> On Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 6:45:37 PM UTC-7 dagood wrote:
>> Hi Devin,
>> The FIPS functionality in Go (which, to be clear, is not supported for
>> use outside of Google) is documented here: 
>> go/src/crypto/internal/boring/README.md
>> at release-branch.go1.21 · golang/go (github.com)
>> <https://github.com/golang/go/blob/release-branch.go1.21/src/crypto/internal/boring/README.md>,
>> and it's used by setting GOEXPERIMENT=boringcrypto.
>> The GOEXPERIMENT=systemcrypto is a feature of the Microsoft fork of Go,
>> not official Go.
>> https://github.com/microsoft/go/blob/microsoft/main/eng/doc/fips/README.md is
>> actually hosted in the microsoft/go repository, where that fork is
>> maintained. I work on it, and I'm happy to help. (And, if you have any more
>> questions related to this fork in the future, feel free to file a GitHub
>> issue on microsoft/go directly.)
>> The issue doesn't seem related to Grafana, but rather because *wire *was
>> built with the Microsoft fork of Go but without specifying a backend, but
>> with GOFIPS=1. *wire* isn't able to be compatible with FIPS without a
>> backend, but it sees that FIPS is requested, so it fails safe. It isn't
>> clear what the caller's intent is and failing is an opportunity to catch a
>> mistake. You should either:
>>    1. not set GOFIPS=1 until after calling *wire* (if at all!) or
>>    2. build *wire* with GOEXPERIMENT=systemcrypto.
>> I would default to (1). But if you are trying to make a FIPS compliant
>> package build process, (2) would be the step towards that.
>> Whether or not you need GOFIPS=1 at all depends on the purpose of your
>> script/build process.
>> > using GOFIPS=1 worked just fine on Go 1.20.5, however appears not to be
>> the case anymore.
>> Yes, we only added this failsafe as of 1.21 of Microsoft Go. The first
>> bullet in the 1.21 changelog
>> <https://github.com/microsoft/go/blob/microsoft/main/eng/doc/fips/README.md#go-121-aug-2023>
>>  has
>> some details.
Kurtis Rader
Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank

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