
I have a script that loads the current Go version from the website and
updates my environment. Unfortunately it still returns the old version:


--- 8< ---
time 2024-05-30T19:26:07Z
--- 8< ---

Is a website rebuild/restart necessary?


Am Dienstag, dem 02.07.2024 um 19:22 +0000 schrieb annou...@golang.org:
> Hello gophers,
> We have just released Go versions 1.22.5 and 1.21.12, minor point
> releases.
> These minor releases include 1 security fixes following the security
> policy:
>  * net/http: denial of service due to improper 100-continue
> handlingThe net/http HTTP/1.1 client mishandled the case where a
> server responds to a request with an "Expect: 100-continue" header
> with a non-informational (200 or higher) status. This mishandling
> could leave a client connection in an invalid state, where the next
> request sent on the connection will fail.An attacker sending a
> request to a net/http/httputil.ReverseProxy proxy can exploit this
> mishandling to cause a denial of service by sending "Expect: 100-
> continue" requests which elicit a non-informational response from the
> backend. Each such request leaves the proxy with an invalid
> connection, and causes one subsequent request using that connection
> to fail.Thanks to Geoff Franks for reporting this issue.This is CVE-
> 2024-24791 and Go issue https://go.dev/issue/67555.
> View the release notes for more information:
> https://go.dev/doc/devel/release#go1.22.5
> You can download binary and source distributions from the Go website:
> https://go.dev/dl/
> To compile from source using a Git clone, update to the release with
> git checkout go1.22.5 and build as usual.
> Thanks to everyone who contributed to the releases.
> Cheers,
> Than and Joedian for the Go team
> -- 
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