I would add that I think the Go team should strive to remove as much “implementation defined” or “undefined” from the spec as possible. Forgo the optimizations. It’s this language that makes C++ such a pain to work with especially in a cross platform manner. 

I think you can safely narrow the spec in this area without issue - since it would have been very difficult to use anyway. Maybe some highly specialized code that relied on a particular Go implementation might. 

On Jun 20, 2024, at 7:12 AM, 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts <golang-nuts@googlegroups.com> wrote:

On Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 13:48, Oliver Eikemeier <eikeme...@fillmore-labs.com> wrote:

Am 20.06.2024 um 13:24 schrieb Axel Wagner <axel.wagner...@googlemail.com>:

We can see that 1. `unsafe.Pointer` is definitionally a pointer type, 2. in your example, the two `unsafe.Pointers` do not point to the same variable and do not have the value `nil` and 3. are not pointing at distinct zero-sized variables. So their comparison should be `false`, which is what your example observes.

Does it (Go Playground)?

func f5() {
var (
a  struct{}
b  int
aa = (*int)(unsafe.Pointer(&a))
ba = (*int)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
eq = aa == ba

println("&a:", aa, reflect.TypeOf(aa).String())
println("&b:", ba, reflect.TypeOf(ba).String())
println("&a == &b:", eq)
cmpIntPtr(aa, ba)

func cmpIntPtr(p1 *int, p2 *int) {
fmt.Println("p1 == p2:", p1 == p2)

&a: 0xc0000466f8 *int
&b: 0xc0000466f8 *int
&a == &b: false
p1 == p2: true

Interestingly, the spec does not forbid that (or specifies it as implementation-defined), though the (implementation-defined) unsafe.Pointer rules do, as using `unsafe.Pointer` to convert between pointers of different base types is only allowed if the target variable is at least as large as the source variable and both share an equivalent memory layout.

I think the fact that the spec does not put any limits on the allowed behaviour of converting between `unsafe.Pointer` and other pointer types is a clear oversight that should be corrected (perhaps it should really be "The effect of converting between Pointer and uintptr is implementation-defined" should really say "and other types"). But I don't think it's a surprising fact that you can make a program behave in almost arbitrary ways by doing that.
I’m advocating for at least a FAQ article,

I tend to agree, though I'm not sure how to phrase that, beyond saying "do not make any assumptions about the identity pointers to zero-sized variables or with zero-sized base types or that where derived from one of those" and I'm not sure how helpful that is.

It seems like a frequently asked question to me ;)

It is. But note that every time it is asked, it leads to considerable discussion, which seems to strongly suggest that it is hard to give a simple, unambiguous answer that people find satisfying.

I think you should acknowledge that the spec *is* already trying to be very clear about this. The fact that you can poke holes in it is because writing a spec unambiguously is hard. But the two quoted phrases are there in the best attempt to clearly state that you can not rely on any assumptions about pointers to zero-sized variables - within the somewhat abstract framework of the spec. Feel free to propose a better one, I'm not actually arguing against that.

And I'm also not arguing against an FAQ entry. Ideally, someone would suggest a phrasing that is sufficiently broad and unambiguous and clear to cover any version of this question people might ask, while also not contradicting the spec.

but also think the specification should be adapted, for clarity but also for the fact that only one pointer pointing to a zero-sized variable can compare differently to anything over time, even things having the same address value.

Note that "address value" is not something that exists within the spec. As for clarifying the spec here, maybe. I do think the behavior is covered, as I outlined above. And as above, I'm not sure how to clarify it further, while still leaving up the space we want to left open.

I vote for making this openness explicit, meaning that even the optimizer is free to make assumptions that do not hold during runtime. So if you have a pointer derived from something pointing to a zero-size type it can compare with different results over time, even false when having the same value. I do not believe that is what’s currently in the spec.


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