It looks like you don’t have anything reading from the pipe so it’s going to hang. 

On Jun 16, 2024, at 8:54 PM, Salvatore Domenick Desiano <> wrote:

Simpler self-contained example, same result:

func main() {
cmdName := "/bin/bash"
cmdArgs := []string{"-c", "while true; do echo step; sleep 1; done"}
cmdStdoutR, cmdStdoutW := io.Pipe()
cmd := exec.Command(cmdName, cmdArgs...)
cmd.Stdout = cmdStdoutW
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {

cmdStdoutR = cmdStdoutR

For the sake of completeness I'll mention that this runs fine if cmd.Stdout is not assigned, which points to exec.awaitGoroutines() as being the culprit.

FWIW, I have no direct evidence that the pipes aren't being closed on the SIGKILL. That said, the (exec-internal) goroutines are hung on io.Copy(). I expect that if the process's output pipe was actually closed the io.Copy() would return, the goroutine would complete, and the deadlock would not happen.

-- Salvatore

On Sun, Jun 16, 2024 at 7:58 PM Salvatore Domenick Desiano <> wrote:
I hope this isn't a red herring but in constructing a self-contained example I triggered a deadlock. Perhaps the deadlock is the answer to my question or perhaps it is another issue. Either way this code does not seem malformed:

func main() {
cmdName := "/bin/bash"
cmdArgs := []string{
"while true; do echo step; sleep 1; done",
cmdStdinR, cmdStdinW := io.Pipe()
cmdStdoutR, cmdStdoutW := io.Pipe()
cmdStderrR, cmdStderrW := io.Pipe()
ctx, cancelCmd := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, cmdName, cmdArgs...)
cmd.Stdin = cmdStdinR
cmd.Stdout = cmdStdoutW
cmd.Stderr = cmdStderrW
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {

cancelCmd = cancelCmd
cmdStdoutR = cmdStdoutR
cmdStderrR = cmdStderrR

If you run this code and SIGKILL the bash process, go flags it as a deadlock and panics. FWIW, this also happens if there are goroutines monitoring cmdStdoutR and cmdStderrR.

What am I missing?

-- Salvatore

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