
I'll note that this has nothing, really, to do with the loop, but with the
fact that you are assigning a struct field.
For a simpler example, compare this: https://go.dev/play/p/MmR-AhOUQH3 with
this: https://go.dev/play/p/Y1uoI8thYuV
If you only write to the entire variable, the compiler complains about that
variable not being used. But if you set a field, the failure goes away.

This compilation error is based on this sentence from the spec
> Implementation restriction: A compiler may make it illegal to declare a
variable inside a function body
<https://go.dev/ref/spec#Function_declarations> if the variable is never
Note that it says "may" make it illegal. It's also not really defined what
it means for a variable to be "never used".

TBH I don't really like these implementation-defined compilation failures.
But it would be difficult to make them more strict. Perhaps this case could
be a vet warning.

On Mon, May 6, 2024 at 4:20 PM Tiago de Bem Natel de Moura <
t.nateldemo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> We had the bug below in production:
> https://go.dev/play/p/-jewy7e7UcZ
> Look at the `opt` variable inside `listGithubPullReviews`, it's set
> multiple times (inside the loop) but never used... it was supposed to be
> passed as the last argument of `ListReviews()`.
> Why Go compiler is not giving an error for this case? AFAICS all of those
> `opt.Page = resp.NextPage` inside the loop cannot make any side effects,
> then it looks safe to assume the variable is only set and never used?
> So, simplifying the problem, this is the non-failing case:
> https://go.dev/play/p/FLAIlVx_sSG
> But if you change from a struct to a plain int, then the compiler gives: 
> `./prog.go:6:2:
> a declared and not used`
> Luckily, we were using a `ctx` with timeout otherwise it would be an
> infinite loop. The thing was tested but only for cases where all results
> came in a single page, then the loop aborted in the first iteration. I
> think this could be detected by the compiler, no?
> --
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