On Mon, Apr 22, 2024 at 2:25 PM Jochen Voss <jochen.v...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Using generics, can I somehow write a constraint which says that *T (instead 
> of T) implements a certain interface?  The following code illustrated what 
> I'm trying to do:
> type A int
> func (a *A) Set(x int) {
> *a = A(x)
> }
> type B string
> func (b *B) Set(x int) {
> *b = B(strconv.Itoa(x))
> }
> type C1 struct {
> Val []A
> }
> func (c *C1) Set(v int) {
> for i := range c.Val {
> c.Val[i].Set(v)
> }
> }
> type C2 struct {
> Val []B
> }
> func (c *C2) Set(v int) {
> for i := range c.Val {
> c.Val[i].Set(v)
> }
> }
> I would like to use generics to use a single definition for the methods which 
> here are func (c *C1) Set(v int) and func (c *C2) Set(v int).  (My real code 
> has many base types, instead of just A and B.)  How can I do this?
> I tried the naive approach:
> type C[T interface{ Set(int) }] struct {
> Val []T
> }
> but when I try to use the type C[A] now, I get the error message "A does not 
> satisfy interface{Set(int)} (method Set has pointer receiver)".

type C[P interface {
}, E any] struct {
    Val []P


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