> I see this working for modules, but not major versions.

I'm not sure I see the distinction, a new major version is a new module.

> Is there any way for google/go-github add a deprecation message for their 
v0/v1/.../v60 major versions?

Sure, the maintainers could add the deprecation comment to all of those 
modules. I'm not sure that would actually benefit the project, though? From 
the "Version Compatibility Table" in the README, it seems like major 
versions going back to at least v48.2.0 "work" with the current Github API.

On Monday, April 8, 2024 at 4:23:55 PM UTC-4 Tom Payne wrote:

> I see this working for modules, but not major versions.
> For example the whole github.com/golang/protobuf module is deprecated:
> https://github.com/golang/protobuf/blob/75de7c059e36b64f01d0dd234ff2fff404ec3374/go.mod#L1
> However, there are is no deprecation message for 
> github.com/google/go-github:
> https://github.com/google/go-github/blob/b603120bf932e99e8cc0a9fab0693fa6b5f92c4d/go.mod
> Is there any way for google/go-github add a deprecation message for their 
> v0/v1/.../v60 major versions?
> On Mon, 8 Apr 2024 at 22:10, Jason Phillips <jasonrya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If a major version is truly obsolete the maintainers can deprecate it. In 
>> which case the pkg.go.dev UI stands out a bit more. Take for example: 
>> github.com/golang/protobuf/proto 
>> <https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto>.
>> On Monday, April 8, 2024 at 2:12:54 PM UTC-4 twp...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Is there a way to get an unchanging URL that always redirects to the 
>>> latest major version of a package on pkg.go.dev?
>>> Right now, if I go to
>>>   https://pkg.go.dev/$PACKAGE_NAME
>>> I get the documentation for either v0 or v1 of a package, which is out 
>>> of date if there's a more recent major version.
>>> What I would like is a URL that given $PACKAGE_NAME always redirects to 
>>> the latest major version of that package. For example, a URL something like
>>>   https://pkg.go.dev/$PACKAGE_NAME@latest
>>> which would redirect to
>>>   https://pkg.go.dev/$PACKAGE_NAME/v2
>>> if the latest major version of $PACKAGE_NAME is v2.
>>> The reasons for this request are:
>>> 1. I'm usually using the latest version of the package, and so I want to 
>>> see the docs for the most recent version.
>>> 2. If users stumble across documentation for an old major version by 
>>> default then there's a risk that they'll use or evaluate the old major 
>>> version by default. Usually there's a good reason why users should not be 
>>> using the old major version.
>>> Right now, pkg.go.dev displays a tiny black text on a grey background 
>>> line at the top of  the page that says something like:
>>>   The highest tagged major version is v61.
>>> See https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/google/go-github for an example. This 
>>> is extremely easy to miss. Alternatively, this banner should be in big red 
>>> letters - if you're using this version of the module then you're probably 
>>> doing something wrong.
>>> If there's support for this new URL and/or the banner usability 
>>> improvement, then I'd be happy to contribute a fix.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Regards,
>>> Tom
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