On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 6:40 PM Nigel Tao <nigel...@golang.org> wrote:
> The ubiquitous io.Reader interface's Read method returns a (int,
> error). Surprisingly (for programmers coming from other languages with
> a built-in or idiomatic Result<T, E> type), it's possible for both
> return values to be non-zero. There's (often overlooked??) commentary
> in https://pkg.go.dev/io#Reader that says:
> > Callers should always process the n > 0 bytes returned before considering 
> > the error err.
> So that (again, especially for programmers used to saying result? or
> "try result" or similar Result<T, E> aware mechanisms in other
> languages), the following Go code is incorrect:
> n, err := r.Read(buffer, etc)
> if err != nil {
>   return err
> }
> doStuffWith(buffer[:n])
> ---
> Do any of the early Gophers remember the motivations for designing
> Read's semantics in that way? At the libc or syscall level (and my
> reading of FD.Read in internal/poll/fd_unix.go), I don't think
> read(fd, etc) can return both non-zero.
> Is it just that, if you've got a buffer of some sort (including the
> compress/* packages), it can be more efficient (1 Read call instead of
> 2) to return (positiveN, io.EOF)?

Some earlier discussions:


See in particular this message from Russ:


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