
Here is a Go solution to the OP's problem. It uses Go memory and Go 
pointers passed to C in Go memory point to pinned Go memory.



On Monday, January 29, 2024 at 12:21:18 PM UTC-5 Michael Knyszek wrote:

> Thanks for the reproducer. I think I've puzzled out what's going wrong and 
> it's pretty subtle.
> TL;DR: You can work around this by either calling `calloc` or just 
> allocating `inRows` as Go memory and pinning that as well. The latter will 
> be safer and faster overall. It's not totally clear to me at this moment 
> whether just using `calloc` instead should be sufficient. Read on for more 
> details.
> Writing pointers into C memory from Go may invoke a write barrier. The 
> current write barrier is a hybrid barrier: it writes down the pointers that 
> are both being written, and those that are being deleted in the write.
> In this particular case, we're writing a Go pointer into C memory *from 
> Go*. If that C memory isn't zeroed *and* it points to some dead Go 
> memory, we have a problem. That appears to be what's happening here. If I 
> use calloc instead of malloc to create inRows, the problem goes away. Also, 
> if I create inRows in Go and pin it, that also works.
> I think this is actually documented in the cgo pointer passing rules (
> https://pkg.go.dev/cmd/cgo#hdr-Passing_pointers), but we all missed it:
> Note: the current implementation has a bug. While Go code is permitted to 
> write nil or a C pointer (but not a Go pointer) to C memory, the current 
> implementation may sometimes cause a runtime error if the contents of the C 
> memory appear to be a Go pointer. Therefore, avoid passing uninitialized C 
> memory to Go code if the Go code is going to store pointer values in it. 
> Zero out the memory in C before passing it to Go.
> AFAICT, the rest of the page does not say one way or the other whether Go 
> code writing a Go pointer into C memory is allowed (note that, 
> counterintuitively, *C.float is a Go pointer, because it may point to Go 
> memory).
> One question that I have to wonder about is whether it's OK to write a Go 
> pointer into C memory at all and if we should just restrict that like we 
> did before. The text above already implies that it is not OK, in which case 
> the code in this thread is invalid and inRows basically must be allocated 
> on the Go side. However, I think this may also just be an oversight from 
> when I was updating the documentation for pinning; I think my original 
> intent was to say that it's OK for Go code to write pinned Go pointers to C 
> memory.
> Anyway, this needs more thought, since allowing Go code to write Go 
> pointers to C memory (pinned or not) may end up restricting GC 
> implementations in a way we don't want to. I filed 
> https://github.com/golang/go/issues/65349 to track this.
> On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 11:17 AM peterGo <go.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Michael,
>> The OP appears to have lost interest in debugging. Here's my minimal, 
>> reproducible example that produces the same fatal errror:
>> https://go.dev/play/p/flEmSh1euqR (run locally)    
>> If the runtime.GC() statement is uncommented then the fatal error does 
>> not occur.
>> The use of this profligate, inefficient algorithm is for debugging 
>> purposes only. The use of runtime.Pinner is not required. A single 
>> implicitly pinned C wrapper function argument pointing to contiguous 
>> underlying slice data arrays would suffice. 
>> Peter
>> On Friday, January 26, 2024 at 12:05:38 PM UTC-5 Michael Knyszek wrote:
>>> Ignoring more efficient ways to pass memory to C for a moment, 
>>> superficially I do think your code using Pinner should work. Do you have a 
>>> full reproducer? It's hard to tell from just looking at your code if your 
>>> code is the problem, or its just enough to trigger some other cgo issue 
>>> elsewhere in your codebase. There's a slim chance this is a bug in the 
>>> Pinner implementation, but that would be surprising to me. The Pinner 
>>> trivially keeps all pointers passed to it live by just holding onto their 
>>> references.
>>> Also, have you tried running your code with GODEBUG=cgocheck=1 and/or 
>>> building your code with GOEXPERIMENT=cgocheck2? That might help identify 
>>> what the issue is.
>>> On Friday, January 26, 2024 at 7:05:45 AM UTC-5 Tamás Gulácsi wrote:
>>>> To convert a Go slice to C array is easy with unsafe.Slice.
>>>> The problem is that the multi-dimensional C array is an array of 
>>>> pointers (*(*float64))
>>>> which cannot travel between the C/Go barrier.
>>>> In your example, you flatten your slice, and recreate the pointers in 
>>>> that one big slice.
>>>> You could go on with that example, but from the Go side:
>>>> 1. have a "flat" []float64 wihich is N*M
>>>> 2. have the [][]float64 as subslices of that one big flattened 
>>>> []float64: flat[i*M:i*(M+1)]
>>>> 3. send that flat slice to the C side with unsafe.Slice
>>>> 4. have the C side implement the same subslicing: create a []*float64 
>>>> array and have each point to the corredt &flat[i*M].
>>>> 5. profit
>>>> Denis a következőt írta (2024. január 26., péntek, 1:18:59 UTC+1):
>>>>> I am trying to pass 2d array from Go to some C function void foo(in 
>>>>> **float, out *double). Since I want to have wrapper for this C 
>>>>> function, I'd like that Go function has definition like func 
>>>>> FooWrapper([][]float32) []float64. The easiest but not efficient 
>>>>> implementation is allocating all memory through C that listed below:
>>>>> func FooWrapper(values [][]float32) []float64 {
>>>>>     totalObj := len(values)
>>>>>     totalParams := len(values[0])
>>>>>     results := make([]float64, totalObj)
>>>>>     ptrArrLength := uintptr(totalObj) * cPointerSize
>>>>>     paramArrLength := uintptr(totalParams) * cFloatSize
>>>>>     ptr := C.malloc(C.size_t(ptrArrLength + 
>>>>> paramArrLength*uintptr(totalObj)))
>>>>>     defer C.free(ptr)
>>>>>     ptrSlice := unsafe.Slice((**C.float)(ptr), totalObj)
>>>>>     for i, obj := range values {
>>>>>         paramArrPtr := (*C.float)(unsafe.Add(ptr, 
>>>>> ptrArrLength+uintptr(i)*paramArrLength))
>>>>>         ptrSlice[i] = paramArrPtr
>>>>>         paramSlice := unsafe.Slice(paramArrPtr, totalParams)
>>>>>         for j, param := range obj {
>>>>>             paramSlice[j] = (C.float)(param)
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     C.foo((**C.float)(ptr), (*C.double)(&results[0]))
>>>>>     return results
>>>>> }
>>>>> Is that safe implementation? Can I pass pointer of result data? As 
>>>>> far as I know, this pointer will be pinned because it passed to C 
>>>>> function.
>>>>> But I want to allocate less memory just reusing Go memory, I've 
>>>>> learned about runtime.Pinner that make pointer pinned until 
>>>>> runtime.Pinner.Unpin() invocation. I tried to write another 
>>>>> implementation using pinner:
>>>>> func FooWrapper(values [][]float32) []float64 {
>>>>>     length := len(values)
>>>>>     results := make([]float64, length)
>>>>>     pinner := runtime.Pinner{}
>>>>>     defer pinner.Unpin()
>>>>>     arr := (**C.float)(C.malloc(C.size_t(uintptr(length) * 
>>>>> cPointerSize)))
>>>>>     defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(arr))
>>>>>     slice := unsafe.Slice(arr, length)
>>>>>     for i, v := range values {
>>>>>         pinner.Pin(&v[0])
>>>>>         slice[i] = (*C.float)(&v[0])
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     C.foo(arr, (*C.double)(&results[0]))
>>>>>     return results
>>>>> }
>>>>> But, unfortunately, this code doesn't work
>>>>> runtime: pointer 0xc016ecbfc0 to unused region of span 
>>>>> span.base()=0xc016eca000 span.limit=0xc016ecbfa0 span.state=1
>>>>> fatal error: found bad pointer in Go heap (incorrect use of unsafe or 
>>>>> cgo?)
>>>>> Do I use runtime.Pinner wrong (as far as I know, I can pin slice 
>>>>> data)? Or there is another error in this code. Are there some 
>>>>> implementations for passing 3d (4d and so on) array to C function except 
>>>>> for allocatiing and copying all data to C memory?
>>>> -- 
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