I'm equally curious.

FWIW, I realized the loop should perhaps be
mb := nat(nil).setUint64(b) // ensure mb starts big enough for b, even on
32-bit arch
for m := a + 1; m <= b; m++ {
  z = z.mul(z, mb)
to avoid allocating repeatedly for `m`, which yields:
BenchmarkIterativeMulRangeN-10      354685      3032 ns/op    2129 B/op
 48 allocs/op
On Sun, Jan 7, 2024 at 2:41 AM Rob Pike <r...@golang.org> wrote:

> It seems reasonable but first I'd like to understand why the recursive
> method is used. I can't deduce why, but the CL that adds it, by gri, does
> Karatsuba multiplication, which implies something deep is going on. I'll
> add him to the conversation.
> -rob
> On Sun, Jan 7, 2024 at 5:46 PM John Jannotti <janno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I enjoy bignum implementations, so I was looking through nat.go and saw
>> that `mulRange` is implemented in a surprising, recursive way,.  In the
>> non-base case, `mulRange(a, b)` returns `mulrange(a, (a+b)/2) *
>> mulRange(1+(a+b)/2, b)` (lots of big.Int ceremony elided).
>> That's fine, but I didn't see any advantage over the straightforward (and
>> simpler?) for loop.
>> ```
>> z = z.setUint64(a)
>> for m := a + 1; m <= b; m++ {
>> z = z.mul(z, nat(nil).setUint64(m))
>> }
>> return z
>> ```
>> In fact, I suspected the existing code was slower, and allocated a lot
>> more.  That seems true. A quick benchmark, using the existing unit test as
>> the benchmark, yields
>> BenchmarkRecusiveMulRangeN-10       169417       6856 ns/op     9452 B/op
>>    338 allocs/op
>> BenchmarkIterativeMulRangeN-10       265354       4269 ns/op     2505
>> B/op      196 allocs/op
>> I doubt `mulRange` is a performance bottleneck in anyone's code! But it
>> is exported as `int.MulRange` so I guess it's viewed with some value.  And
>> seeing as how the for-loop seems even easier to understand that the
>> recursive version, maybe it's worth submitting a PR? (If so, should I
>> create an issue first?)
>> --
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