There was an effort to add golang as a supported language to crucible [1], 
but I think it fizzled as a one-engineer attempt. I know golang compiles 
via an SSA but is there even a spec for the SSA? Static analysis attempts 
tend to be mostly academic and thus favor something solid such as llvm (or 
more recently, rust mir). This might explain the sparse landscape.


On Monday, October 30, 2023 at 5:25:56 AM UTC-7 Karolina GORNA wrote:

> Hi Gophers,
> Hope that your are alright!
> *Does any of you know symbolic or concolic execution tools that are 
> compatible with Go binaries please ? *
> From what I currently understand, it seams possible to adapt Angr 
> <> for instance so that it understands Go binaries, but I 
> am not 100% sure.
> Also, I am curious if someone worked on that before.
> Thank you for your time,
> Karolina
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