What I would do for that case would be to deliver the users a either a VM 
image (heavy), or a docker container (lighter) with batteries included 

There is often little need to write a docker file unless you really want. 
Just get everything working inside docker and "docker commit" it to an 
image. I do this often for projects that need python/R + 100s of 
libraries.  Its really the only sane way to deliver sprawling dependencies 
that assume they can write all over the filesystem.  

One hint: I recently did this for code that wanted to output graphics, and 
that needed X11 (or Xvfb), and that wanted systemd, which is available in 
docker but used to be discouraged so is not available in many base images. 
So I would recommend starting an docker image that already supports systemd 
and X11, if graphics (or x11vnc, say) is ever going to be desired. Its a 
pain to add after the fact. Podman claims to be useful for this, but I 
found in immature and not really production ready when trying to run it on 
blah standard Ubuntu 22.

On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 9:08:51 PM UTC Jan wrote:

> Thanks @Jason, but the point was exactly not need to do anything extra: no 
> manual unzipping of a file, or manual Makefile/Magefile.
> Let's say project in Go links some 30 external modules, 5 of them have 
> their own specific steps that need to be read, understood and and run to 
> install them ... very quickly the user just gives up from 
> installing/compiling the thing, with good reason ... 
> The Go toolset solves that beautifully for Go only projects. But at least 
> in my line of work, that's not feasible, I need to interface with libraries 
> that in turn require other libraries in C++ (OpenXLA/llvm for JIT), Rust 
> (HuggingFace Tokenizer), C (Gtk), etc.
> cheers
> On Monday, October 30, 2023 at 7:42:19 PM UTC+1 Jason E. Aten wrote:
>> > including the `.a` (static libraries) in the Github just got to its 
>> limit (100Mb)
>> I have used bzip2 to compress libraries that are too big for Github. If 
>> that gets them under the limit, then great. 
>> Just provide installation instructions or a Makefile target that 
>> decompresses them once checked out.
>> (Or xz? Apparently it can compress more than bzip2; but I have no 
>> experience with it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XZ_Utils )

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