Hi Steve,
I'm not sure what the right answer is. Can you file this as a bug on 

On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 2:30:09 PM UTC-4 Steven Pelley wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Possibly a bug or potential improvement in slog.
> This will sound excessively complicated, which I recognize and have 
> changed my approach.  Regardless, I see an opportunity to improve 
> surprising behavior.
> I'm looking for feedback on whether I missed something in the slog 
> documentation or if this is a valid bug or improvement, in which case I can 
> file it.
> slog.Value always json.marshals to an empty document, "{}", which to me 
> was surprising behavior when using JsonHandler.  If a slog.Value is 
> embedded in a logged non-slog.Value, for example a slice, it will 
> effectively omit data.  On the other hand any tree of Values and Attrs 
> passed directly to the log functions, without an intervening non-slog.Value 
> object, marshals and logs properly.  I expect a slice, or any other 
> non-slog.Value type, containing an slog.Value to marshal to json with the 
> slog.Value's represented value.
> Alternatively, the slog documentation (or specifically JsonHandler) could 
> state that no non-slog.Value object passed to a log method may contain an 
> slog.Value, and that LogValuers must maintain this invariant.
> go1.21.0 darwin/arm64
> demonstration <https://goplay.tools/snippet/H26amsQBiYG>
> I discovered this when logging (using JsonHandler) an object containing a 
> list of objects whose logged data I wanted to redact/reduce.  I do this as 
> a LogValuer whose LogValue function constructs and returns a new 
> slog.GroupValue with a []slog.Value containing the redacted objects for 
> logging.  Each Value is created by in turn calling 
> Value.Resolve(Value.anyValue(...)) on the component items.  The resulting 
> log contains a list of empty documents.  I think this is a reasonable use 
> of LogValue, though I recognize that many people will suggest not logging 
> slices.
> Thanks,
> Steve

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