On Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 4:32 AM jal...@gmail.com <jalo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the errors.join proposal, the proposed api had the user specify how they 
> wanted the errors to be formatted together. But the actual implementation 
> omitted and only used new line.
> This is quite unfortunate if you are using slog and want to log that error 
> and very much need a log statement to not span multiple lines. It also makes 
> it much harder to read.
> Does anyone recall why sep was dropped?
See the discussion at https://go.dev/issue/53435, especially
https://github.com/golang/go/issues/53435#issuecomment-1190654775 and

As far as the slog package it seems to me that a handler can enforce
that individual messages are on a single line.  There may be a better
way to address that problem, but I don't think that errors.Join is the
right place for a fix.  Any random package can generate multiline
error messages with errors.New("a\nb"), and I've seen plenty that do.
So enforcing single-line messages on errors.Join won't fix the problem
in general.


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