thanks  for the link.
unlike the onErr approach, my proposal does not treat create special-status 
identifier; the orelse block is like any other else block

On Sunday, July 30, 2023 at 1:31:09 AM UTC-6 Brian Candler wrote:

On Sunday, 30 July 2023 at 06:57:15 UTC+1 DrGo wrote:

I looked at the long list of proposals to improve error handling in go but 
I have not seen the one I am describing below.

There is a meta-ticket here:

Under the section "Simplifications of if err != nil, to reduce boilerplate" 
I found a link to
which seems very similar to yours, using keyword "onErr" after a semicolon, 
instead of "orelse".

if c, err := fn(); onErr { return 0, err }

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