Hi alex-coder!
You can try using Graphviz.
Graphviz (https://graphviz.org/) is a powerful open-source graph 
visualization software. It provides a collection of tools for visualizing 
and manipulating graph structures (such as AST graphs).

To generate and visualize a graph using Graphviz, you can follow these 

   1. Create a DOT output file (e.g., graph.dot).
   2. Write the graph structure in the DOT language. For example, you can 
   use the following code:
   digraph G {
       Node1 [label="C"];
       Node2 [label="D"];
       Node3 [label="d"];
       Node4 [label="f"];
       Node1 -> Node2;
       Node2 -> Node3;
       Node3 -> Node4;
   3. Save the file as *graph.dot*
   4. Open your command-line interface and navigate to the directory where 
   graph.dot is located.
   5. Use the *dot* command from Graphviz to generate an image file. Run 
   the following command: ` dot -Tpng graph.dot -o graph.png `
   This command specifies that the input file is graph.dot, the output 
   format is PNG (-Tpng flag), and the output file name is graph.png (-o 
   graph.png flag).
   6. *graph.png* will be generated in the same directory. This file will 
   contain the visual representation of the graph based on the DOT description.

On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 2:44:37 AM UTC+5:30 alex-coder wrote:

> Hi All !
> Could you please advice me a tool to visualize an ast graph.
> Thank you.

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