I wouldn’t have don’t it that way. I would have made := mean all variables must 
be new. And = mean any new variable requires a decoration. 

So in this case,

var x,err = means x is new and err is reused. The variable clauses are 
segregated by a ,  

> On Apr 23, 2023, at 9:07 AM, Axel Wagner <axel.wagner...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 4:01 PM Robert Engels <reng...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
>> Personally that syntax has always bothered me with readability. It requires 
>> lots of previous knowledge in some cases. A syntax like
>> x, var y int = blah
>> Is more explicit that x is reused and y is declared. 
> That specific suggestion would not work. It would mean it is ambiguous 
> whether `var x, err = fmt.Println()` is mean to be a declaration of only x, 
> or both - and note that this specific order is the more relevant, as `err` is 
> the specific variable that tends to be re-used by `:=`.
> There probably could be alternatives though. But that seems a moot point now.
>> Go is all about being explicit until it isn’t. 
>>> On Apr 23, 2023, at 8:28 AM, 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts 
>>> <golang-nuts@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>> Just to nit-pick everyone: Short variable declarations are not there to 
>>> omit type information. You can do that with a regular variable declaration:
>>> https://go.dev/play/p/6XePFCh-6G2
>>> Short variable declarations exist to 1. be shorter and 2. allow you to 
>>> avoid re-declaration errors when assigning multiple variables:
>>> https://go.dev/play/p/bgbU9mTunhL
>>> So, IMO short variable declarations definitely increase readability, just 
>>> by that latter effect. Type-inference is a bonus.
>>> On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 3:09 PM Jesper Louis Andersen 
>>> <jesper.louis.ander...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 12:31 AM jlfo...@berkeley.edu 
>>>> <jlforr...@berkeley.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Short definitions detract from one of Go’s primary goals - readability. I 
>>>>> started using Go in the first place because I wanted a strongly typed 
>>>>> language with explicit type declarations. 
>>>> Your claim of readability is not held by everyone. Some people prefer 
>>>> there be no type information in a program because the type information 
>>>> "detracts from what the program is doing". Hence, it becomes rather hard 
>>>> to please everybody.
>>>> Short variable declarations are a poor man's type inference. In fully 
>>>> type-inferred languages, you can omit types everywhere, and the compiler 
>>>> will deduce an appropriate type for each declaration. It will typically 
>>>> pick the most general type for an expression. The type information is 
>>>> still there, but it is generated on-demand by the compiler, and programs 
>>>> which fail the type check are rejected. Haskell and OCaml are good 
>>>> examples of programming languages following this style. Yet in both 
>>>> languages, you often see type declarations sprinkled throughout the code 
>>>> base to guide the reader. You sort-of assume a certain amount of 
>>>> experience, and add types as you see fit to capture that experience. 
>>>> Often, you end up with your interfaces being type-annotated, but your 
>>>> internal code avoiding annotation.
>>>> The grand advantage of type inference is that the types can vary easily. 
>>>> If you change a fundamental type, the compiler will check that your change 
>>>> is sound. And you don't have to go around the code base and change every 
>>>> occurrence. That's a really nice boon.
>>>> We are slowly moving into a world where the compiler and the programmer 
>>>> are working on the code at the same time. You ask the compiler to fill out 
>>>> gaps in the programs you are writing. The result is that your editor can 
>>>> live-annotate the appropriate types of declarations and expressions 
>>>> because it can be lifted from the compiler. When I write OCaml, for 
>>>> instance, my editor annotates functions with types for me by adding a line 
>>>> above the function declaration in a smaller font. These lines only occur 
>>>> virtually in the buffer, and aren't present in the program file.
>>>> For some languages, such as Agda, the interaction is even stronger: you 
>>>> can ask the compiler to fill in parts of the program based on the types 
>>>> they have. That is, types and terms coalesce and there is no 
>>>> stratification between them. Writing a term makes the compiler deduce the 
>>>> type. Writing a type makes the compiler deduce and fill in the term. 
>>>> Coming strong into this are large language models from machine learning. 
>>>> You can fill in lots of gaps in programs via LLMs. Programming often 
>>>> contains a lot of janitorial tasks around a computational kernel and LLMs 
>>>> can accelerate the janitor. In the future, I hope someone takes an LLM and 
>>>> starts exploiting type information. I have a hunch it's going to be far 
>>>> more effective for languages which have static type systems (inferred or 
>>>> not) because there's a much richer set of information you can exploit.
>>>> -- 
>>>> J.
>>>> -- 
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