Hello Go Experts,

It is good if someone can help on this?

Best Regards
On Sat, Apr 1, 2023 at 7:45 AM mariappan balraj <mariappan.bal...@gmail.com>

> Hello Go experts,
> Could someone please help to resolve this issue?
> Best Regards
> Mariappan
> On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 2:52 PM mariappan balraj <
> mariappan.bal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Go Experts,
>> When panic() is called from Go function, in the below call sequence,
>> runtime.unwindm() [which is defer function of  runtime.cgocallbackg1] is
>> called. This function is unwinding the system stack. Later, as part of the
>> function addOneOpenDeferFrame(), systemstack() is called to run a function
>> in the system stack. This will use the stack which is allocated for C
>> function calls. This makes stack unwinding impossible in case of panic() is
>> called. Can someone please help me to fix this issue?
>> (dlv) bt
>>  0  0x00000000004054e6 in runtime.unwindm
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:326
>>  1  0x0000000000405446 in runtime.cgocallbackg1.func3
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:304
>>  2  0x00000000004340c8 in runtime.deferCallSave
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go:796
>>  3  0x0000000000433fa5 in runtime.runOpenDeferFrame
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go:769
>>  4  0x0000000000434332 in runtime.gopanic
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go:884
>>  5  0x00000000004642a7 in main.Test4
>>     at ./export.go:7
>>     at ./export.go:7
>>  6  0x000000000046431c in _cgoexp_78b81bbf688e_Test4
>>     at _cgo_gotypes.go:61
>>  7  0x000000000040535b in runtime.cgocallbackg1
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:315
>>  8  0x0000000000405079 in runtime.cgocallbackg
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:234
>>  9  0x0000000000461b0f in runtime.cgocallbackg
>>     at <autogenerated>:1
>> 10  0x000000000045f3f4 in runtime.cgocallback
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:998
>> 11  0x00000000004641bd in crosscall2
>>     at
>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgo/asm_amd64.s:30
>> 12  0x0000000000464386 in C.Test4
>>     at /tmp/go-build/_cgo_export.c:33
>> 13  0x0000000000464432 in C.test1
>>     at ./hello.go:9
>> 14  0x000000000046444d in C.test2
>>     at ./hello.go:14
>> 15  0x0000000000464468 in C.test3
>> 15  0x0000000000464468 in C.test3
>>     at ./hello.go:19
>> 16  0x00000000004644a7 in C._cgo_78b81bbf688e_Cfunc_test3
>>     at /tmp/go-build/cgo-gcc-prolog:49
>> 17  0x000000000045f2e4 in runtime.asmcgocall
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:848
>> 18  0x000000000046448a in C._cgo_78b81bbf688e_Cfunc_test3
>>     at /tmp/go-build/cgo-gcc-prolog:44
>> 19  0x0000000000404f0a in runtime.cgocall
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:167
>> 20  0x0000000000464245 in main._Cfunc_test3
>>     at _cgo_gotypes.go:39
>> 21  0x00000000004642d7 in main.main
>>     at ./hello.go:33
>> 22  0x0000000000437073 in runtime.main
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250
>> 23  0x000000000045f5e1 in runtime.goexit
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598
>> 254 func cgocallbackg1(fn, frame unsafe.Pointer, ctxt uintptr) {
>> 304         defer unwindm(&restore)
>> 326 func unwindm(restore *bool) {
>> 327         if *restore {
>> 328                 // Restore sp saved by cgocallback during
>> 329                 // unwind of g's stack (see comment at top of file).
>> 330                 mp := acquirem()
>> 331                 sched := &mp.g0.sched
>> 332                 sched.sp = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sched.sp +
>> alignUp(sys.MinFrameSize, sys.StackAlign)))
>> (dlv)
>> > runtime.addOneOpenDeferFrame()
>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go:642 (PC:
>> 0x433a45)
>> Warning: debugging optimized function
>>    637: func addOneOpenDeferFrame(gp *g, pc uintptr, sp unsafe.Pointer) {
>>    638:         var prevDefer *_defer
>>    639:         if sp == nil {
>>    640:                 prevDefer = gp._defer
>>    641:                 pc = prevDefer.framepc
>> => 642:                 sp = unsafe.Pointer(prevDefer.sp)
>>    643:         }
>>    644:         systemstack(func() {
>>    645:                 gentraceback(pc, uintptr(sp), 0, gp, 0, nil,
>> 0x7fffffff,
>>    646:                         func(frame *stkframe, unused
>> unsafe.Pointer) bool {
>>    647:                                 if prevDefer != nil &&
>> prevDefer.sp == frame.sp {
>> (dlv) bt
>>  0  0x0000000000433a45 in runtime.addOneOpenDeferFrame
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go:642
>>  1  0x0000000000434357 in runtime.gopanic
>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go:886
>>  2  0x00000000004642a7 in main.Test4
>>     at ./export.go:7
>> On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 4:14 PM mariappan balraj <
>> mariappan.bal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Go Experts,
>>> I am observing system stack corruption when panic() is called from go
>>> function. When panic is called from Test4(), as part of
>>> runtime.systemstack_switch(), the RSP and RBP is set in such a way that it
>>> will corrupt the stack.
>>> Rbp = 0x00007ffdb188bd20===> This should be less than 0x7ffdb188bc50.
>>> But it is set to the value which is already used for CGO calls. So it is
>>> making the system stack to corrupt. When the core file is generated, it
>>> makes it unable to debug from the core file using dlv. Can someone please
>>> help on this issue?
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bc50 RA 0x45f3f4 runtime.cgocallback
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s 1003
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bca0 RA 0x4641bd crosscall2
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgo/asm_amd64.s 32
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bcd0 RA 0x464386 C.Test4 /tmp/go-build/_cgo_export.c 35
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bce0 RA 0x464432 C.test1
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/test/hello.go 10
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bd00 RA 0x46444d C.test2
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/test/hello.go 15
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bd20 RA 0x464468 C.test3
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/test/hello.go 20
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bd50 RA 0x4644a7 C._cgo_78b81bbf688e_Cfunc_test3
>>> /tmp/go-build/cgo-gcc-prolog 51
>>> go version
>>> go version go1.20.2 linux/amd64
>>> //hello.go
>>> package main
>>> /*
>>> #include <stdio.h>
>>> extern void Test4(void);
>>> void test1(void) {
>>>    Test4();
>>> }
>>> void test2(void) {
>>>     int val = 2;
>>>     test1();
>>> }
>>> void test3(void) {
>>>     int val = 3;
>>>     test2();
>>> }
>>> void test4(void) {
>>>     printf("Test4()");
>>> }
>>> */
>>> import "C"
>>> func Test5() {
>>>     C.test4()
>>> }
>>> func main() {
>>>     C.test3()
>>> }
>>> //export.go
>>> package main
>>> import "C"
>>> //export Test4
>>> func Test4() {
>>>     panic("Panic inside Test4")
>>>     //Test5()
>>> }
>>> I have written the following script test.start to debug this issue
>>> further in DLV.
>>> def command_goroutine_start_line(args):
>>>     regs = registers().Regs
>>>     rip = 0
>>>     for reg in regs:
>>>         if reg.Name == "Rbp":
>>>             rbp = int(reg.Value, 16)
>>>         elif reg.Name == "Rip":
>>>             rip = int(reg.Value, 16)
>>>     da = disassemble(StartPC=rip, EndPC=rip+1).Disassemble
>>>     print("RBP 0x%x RIP 0x%x %s %s %s" % (rbp, rip,
>>> da[0].Loc.Function.Name_, da[0].Loc.File, da[0].Loc.Line))
>>>     while True:
>>>         mem = examine_memory(rbp, 8).Mem
>>>         val = 0
>>>         for i in range(len(mem)):
>>>             val <<= 8
>>>             val += mem[len(mem) - i - 1]
>>>         prbp = val
>>>         mem = examine_memory(rbp + 8, 8).Mem
>>>         val = 0
>>>         for i in range(len(mem)):
>>>             val <<= 8
>>>             val += mem[len(mem) - i - 1]
>>>         ra = val
>>>         da = disassemble(StartPC=ra, EndPC=ra+1).Disassemble
>>>         print("RBP 0x%x RA 0x%x %s %s %s" % (prbp, ra,
>>> da[0].Loc.Function.Name_, da[0].Loc.File, da[0].Loc.Line))
>>>         if prbp == 0:
>>>            break
>>>         rbp = prbp
>>> def main():
>>>         dlv_command("config alias goroutine_start_line gsl")
>>> (dlv)bt
>>> RBP 0x0 RA 0x45f5e1 runtime.goexit
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s 1599
>>>  0  0x0000000000433b04 in runtime.addOneOpenDeferFrame.func1
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go:646
>>>  1  0x000000000045f0c0 in runtime.systemstack_switch
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:463
>>>  2  0x0000000000433a89 in runtime.addOneOpenDeferFrame
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go:644
>>>  3  0x0000000000434357 in runtime.gopanic
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go:886
>>>  4  0x00000000004642a7 in main.Test4
>>>     at ./export.go:7
>>>  5  0x000000000046431c in _cgoexp_78b81bbf688e_Test4
>>>     at _cgo_gotypes.go:61
>>>  6  0x000000000040535b in runtime.cgocallbackg1
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:315
>>>  7  0x0000000000405079 in runtime.cgocallbackg
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:234
>>>  8  0x0000000000461b0f in runtime.cgocallbackg
>>>     at <autogenerated>:1
>>>  9  0x000000000045f3f4 in runtime.cgocallback
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:998
>>> 10  0x0000000000000001 in ???
>>>     at ?:-1
>>> 11  0x0000000000464386 in C.Test4
>>>     at /tmp/go-build/_cgo_export.c:33
>>> 12  0x0000000000464432 in C.test1
>>>     at ./hello.go:9
>>> 13  0x000000000046444d in C.test2
>>>     at ./hello.go:14
>>> 14  0x0000000000464468 in C.test3
>>>     at ./hello.go:19
>>> 15  0x00000000004644a7 in C._cgo_78b81bbf688e_Cfunc_test3
>>> 15  0x00000000004644a7 in C._cgo_78b81bbf688e_Cfunc_test3
>>>     at /tmp/go-build/cgo-gcc-prolog:49
>>> 16  0x000000000045f2e4 in runtime.asmcgocall
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:848
>>> 17  0x000000000046448a in C._cgo_78b81bbf688e_Cfunc_test3
>>>     at /tmp/go-build/cgo-gcc-prolog:44
>>> 18  0x0000000000404f0a in runtime.cgocall
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:167
>>> 19  0x0000000000464245 in main._Cfunc_test3
>>>     at _cgo_gotypes.go:39
>>> 20  0x00000000004642d7 in main.main
>>>     at ./hello.go:33
>>> 21  0x0000000000437073 in runtime.main
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250
>>> 22  0x000000000045f5e1 in runtime.goexit
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598
>>> (dlv)source test.star
>>> (dlv)gsl
>>> (dlv) gsl
>>> RBP 0xc000048c68 RIP 0x433b04 runtime.addOneOpenDeferFrame.func1
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go 646
>>> RBP 0xc000048d28 RA 0x434357 runtime.gopanic
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go 905
>>> RBP 0xc000048d48 RA 0x4642a7 main.Test4
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/test/export.go 7
>>> RBP 0xc000048d58 RA 0x46431c _cgoexp_78b81bbf688e_Test4 _cgo_gotypes.go
>>> 62
>>> RBP 0xc000048e18 RA 0x40535b runtime.cgocallbackg1
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go 323
>>> RBP 0xc000048ea8 RA 0x405079 runtime.cgocallbackg
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go 240
>>> RBP 0xc000048ed0 RA 0x461b0f runtime.cgocallbackg <autogenerated> 1
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bc50 RA 0x45f3f4 runtime.cgocallback
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s 1003
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bca0 RA 0x4641bd crosscall2
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgo/asm_amd64.s 32
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bcd0 RA 0x464386 C.Test4 /tmp/go-build/_cgo_export.c 35
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bce0 RA 0x464432 C.test1
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/test/hello.go 10
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bd00 RA 0x46444d C.test2
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/test/hello.go 15
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bd20 RA 0x464468 C.test3
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/test/hello.go 20
>>> RBP 0x7ffdb188bd50 RA 0x4644a7 C._cgo_78b81bbf688e_Cfunc_test3
>>> /tmp/go-build/cgo-gcc-prolog 51
>>> RBP 0xc000048f38 RA 0x45f2e4 runtime.asmcgocall
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s 852
>>> RBP 0xc000048f60 RA 0x464245 main._Cfunc_test3 _cgo_gotypes.go 40
>>> RBP 0xc000048f70 RA 0x4642d7 main.main
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/test/hello.go 33
>>> RBP 0xc000048fd0 RA 0x437073 runtime.main
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/proc.go 260
>>> RBP 0x0 RA 0x45f5e1 runtime.goexit
>>> /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s 1599
>>> (dlv)si
>>> (dlv)bt
>>>  0  0x000000000045587f in runtime.gentraceback
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/traceback.go:32
>>>  1  0x000000000045f0c0 in runtime.systemstack_switch
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:463
>>>  2  0x0000000000433a89 in runtime.addOneOpenDeferFrame
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go:644
>>>  3  0x0000000000434357 in runtime.gopanic
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go:886
>>>  4  0x00000000004642a7 in main.Test4
>>>     at ./export.go:7
>>>  5  0x000000000046431c in _cgoexp_78b81bbf688e_Test4
>>>     at _cgo_gotypes.go:61
>>>  6  0x000000000040535b in runtime.cgocallbackg1
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:315
>>>  7  0x0000000000405079 in runtime.cgocallbackg
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:234
>>>  8  0x0000000000461b0f in runtime.cgocallbackg
>>>     at <autogenerated>:1
>>>  9  0x000000000045f3f4 in runtime.cgocallback
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:998
>>> 10  0x0000000000000001 in ???
>>>     at ?:-1
>>> 11  0x0000000000464386 in C.Test4
>>>     at /tmp/go-build/_cgo_export.c:33
>>> 12  0x0000000000464432 in C.test1
>>>     at ./hello.go:9
>>> 13  0x000000000046444d in C.test2
>>>     at ./hello.go:14
>>> 14  0x0000000000464468 in C.test3
>>>     at ./hello.go:19
>>> 15  0x0000000000433b4b in runtime.addOneOpenDeferFrame.func1
>>> 15  0x0000000000433b4b in runtime.addOneOpenDeferFrame.func1
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/panic.go:645
>>> 16  0x000000000045f129 in runtime.systemstack
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:496
>>> 17  0x0000000000461da5 in runtime.newproc
>>>     at <autogenerated>:1
>>> 18  0x00000000004cc720 in ???
>>>     at ?:-1
>>> 19  0x000000000046431c in _cgoexp_78b81bbf688e_Test4
>>>     at _cgo_gotypes.go:61
>>> 20  0x000000000040535b in runtime.cgocallbackg1
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:315
>>> 21  0x0000000000405079 in runtime.cgocallbackg
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:234
>>> 22  0x0000000000461b0f in runtime.cgocallbackg
>>>     at <autogenerated>:1
>>> 23  0x000000000045f3f4 in runtime.cgocallback
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:998
>>> 24  0x000000000045f0c0 in runtime.systemstack_switch
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:463
>>> 25  0x0000000000404f0a in runtime.cgocall
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:167
>>> 26  0x0000000000464245 in main._Cfunc_test3
>>>     at _cgo_gotypes.go:39
>>> 27  0x00000000004642d7 in main.main
>>>     at ./hello.go:33
>>> 28  0x0000000000437073 in runtime.main
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250
>>> 29  0x000000000045f5e1 in runtime.goexit
>>>     at /home/soomohan/mbalraj/GO/go1.20.2/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598
>>> (dlv) regs
>>>  (dlv) regs
>>>     Rip = 0x000000000045587f
>>>     Rsp = 0x00007ffdb188ba08
>>>     Rax = 0x000000000040535b
>>>     Rbx = 0x000000c000048d68
>>>     Rcx = 0x0000000000000000
>>>     Rdx = 0x0000000000433b60
>>>     Rsi = 0x0000000000000000
>>>     Rdi = 0x000000c0000061a0
>>>     Rbp = 0x00007ffdb188bd20
>>>      R8 = 0x0000000000000000
>>>      R9 = 0x000000007fffffff
>>>     R10 = 0x00007ffdb188bd80
>>>     R11 = 0x0000000000000000
>>>     R12 = 0x00007ffdb188ba88
>>>     R13 = 0x000000c000048c18
>>>     R14 = 0x00000000004cc720
>>>     R15 = 0x0000000000000000
>>>  Rflags = 0x0000000000000246    [PF ZF IF IOPL=0]
>>>      Es = 0x0000000000000000
>>>      Cs = 0x0000000000000033
>>>      Ss = 0x000000000000002b
>>>      Ds = 0x0000000000000000
>>>      Fs = 0x0000000000000000
>>>      Gs = 0x0000000000000000
>>> Fs_base = 0x000015128ba66740
>>> Gs_base = 0x0000000000000000
>>> Best Regards
>>> Mariappan

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