
On Friday, 10 February 2023 at 12:52:34 UTC Jochen Voss wrote:

> Dear all,
> What happens if a group in a regular expression matches repeatedly, via 
> the * operator?  Experimentally I found that FindStringSubmatch then 
> returns the text of the last match.  Is this guaranteed somewhere (I didn't 
> find anything about this on )?  Also, is there 
> an easy way to get the other matched strings?
> Example:
> regexp: `A\s*(?:([a-z]+)\s*)*B`
> applied to: "one A two three four B five"
> the inner group gives me "four"
> Is FindStringSubmatch guaranteed to return the "four"? 
> Is there a way to also get the matched "two" and "three"?
> Many thanks,
> Jochen

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