Hello, im now facing this same problem, did you managed to solve it?

El lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016 a las 18:16:37 UTC+1, d.sh...@gmail.com 

> Hi all.
> I've tried to get access to Windows audio from Go program but failed. That 
> I did below:
> 1. Downloaded and built Portaudio (it's open audio I/O library 
> http://portaudio.com/). So I've built that with Visual Studio and got 
> .dll file.
> 2. Downloaded Go wrapper for Portaudio - ( 
> github.com/gordonklaus/portaudio ) 
> 3. Made simple Go file with an example from wrapper above to test.
> 4. Go build.
> So Go couldn't build that. As far as I understand that's tried to build 
> the portaudio from source with cgo. I've installed MinGW (gcc for Windows) 
> and pkg-config but last one can't find portaudio-2.0.pc file. Once I've 
> renamed portaudio-2.0.pc.in to portaudio-2.0.pc however it shows gcc 
> error: "gcc: error: @THREAD_CFLAGS@: No such file or directory". So I think 
> it was stupid idea.

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