On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 7:04 AM Ian Lance Taylor <i...@golang.org> wrote:

> Memory ordering only makes sense in terms of two different execution
> threads using shared memory.  In order to answer your question
> precisely, you need to tell us what the process reading the memory
> region is going to do to access the memory.  In order to know how to
> write the memory, it's necessary to know how the memory is going to be
> read.

That's a fair point. I avoided going into details not to risk tickling
latent design-urges of the readers ;)

- Single-writer multiple-readers scenario
- Writer is always exclusively single threaded, no concurrency whatsoever.
Only possible sources of operation reordering are: a) the discrete CPU
execution pipeline b) the compiler itself c) OS preemption/ SMP migration.
- Communication is over a single massive mmaped file-backed region.
- Exploits the fact that on Linux the VFS cache in front of the named file
and the mmaped "window" within every process are all literally the same
kernel memory.
- Communication is strictly one-way: writer does not know nor care about
the amount of readers, what are they looking at, etc.
- Readers are expected to accommodate above, be prepared to look at stale
data, etc
- For simplicity assume that the file/mmap is of unreachable size ( say
1PiB ) and that additions are all appends, with no garbage collection -
stale data which is not referenced by anything just sticks around

Writer pseudocode ( always only one thread, *has exclusive write access* )
1. Read current positioning from mmap offset 0 - no locks needed since I am
the one who modified things last
2. Do the payload writes, several GiB append within the unused portion of
the mmap
3. Writeout necessary indexes and pointers to the contents of 2, another
append this time several KiB
4. {{ MY QUESTION }} Emit a SFENCE
<https://c9x.me/x86/html/file_module_x86_id_159.html>(amd64) or DMB
to ensure sequencing consistency and that all CPUs see the same state of
the kernel memory backing the mmap
5. Write a single uint64 at mmap offset 0, pointing to the new "state of
the world" written during 3. which in turn points at various pieces of data
written in 2.
6. goto 1

Readers pseudocode ( many readers, various implementation languages not
just go,  utterly uncoordinated, happy to see "old transaction", but *expect
5 => 3 => 2 to be always consistent* )
1. Read current positioning from mmap offset 0 - no locks as I am equally
happy to see the new or old uint64. I do assume that a word-sized read is
always atomic, and I won't see a "torn" u64
2. Walk around either the new or old network of pointers. The barrier 4. in
the writer ensures I can't see a pointer to something that doesn't yet

The end.

> There is no Go equivalent to a pure write memory barrier.

Ian, I recognize I am speaking to one of the language creators and that you
know *way* more than me about this subject. Nevertheless I find it really
hard to accept your statement. There got to be a set of constructs that
have the desired side-effects described in 4 above. I also still maintain
that the memory model should discuss this, in the compilation guarantees
section at the bottom. After all a standalone go program is nothing more
than a list of instructions for a CPU mediated by an OS. The precise
sequencing of these instructions in special circumstances should be

I guess I will spend some time to learn how to poke around the generated
assembly tomorrow...

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