As a newbie of golang's assembly, i cant understand why we MOVQ DX CX twice 
in runtime.gogo. WHY?

Source code:
   255  // func gogo(buf *gobuf)
   256  // restore state from Gobuf; longjmp
   257  TEXT runtimeĀ·gogo(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8
   258          MOVQ    buf+0(FP), BX           // gobuf
   259          MOVQ    gobuf_g(BX), DX
   260          MOVQ    0(DX), CX               // make sure g != nil
   261          JMP     gogo<>(SB)
   263  TEXT gogo<>(SB), NOSPLIT, $0
   264          get_tls(CX)
   265          MOVQ    DX, g(CX)
   266          MOVQ    DX, R14         // set the g register
   267          MOVQ    gobuf_sp(BX), SP        // restore SP
   268          MOVQ    gobuf_ret(BX), AX
   269          MOVQ    gobuf_ctxt(BX), DX
   270          MOVQ    gobuf_bp(BX), BP
   271          MOVQ    $0, gobuf_sp(BX)        // clear to help garbage 
   272          MOVQ    $0, gobuf_ret(BX)
   273          MOVQ    $0, gobuf_ctxt(BX)
   274          MOVQ    $0, gobuf_bp(BX)
   275          MOVQ    gobuf_pc(BX), BX
   276          JMP     BX


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