Update after seeing the error again.

I inlined everything, creating the transformer on every invocation, to 
avoid any races, but the error persists. 

I'm unable to reproduce the error locally. My current plan is to attempt to 
workaround the issue and use transform.String instead of calling Transform 

My best guess is that I needed to allocate a larger buffer than the input 
buffer because normalization form D (and C?) may expand characters greater 
than unicode.MaxASCII to multiple bytes. The error occurs with the 
following strings (not a regular apostrophe):


I've tested that hypothesis unsuccessfully 
at https://go.dev/play/p/6FT6KHzeBwM.

On Saturday, July 30, 2022 at 12:13:27 AM UTC-7 Brian Candler wrote:

> If this is non-repeatable then perhaps it is some sort of race? Have you 
> tried running your code with the race detector enabled?
> On Saturday, 30 July 2022 at 03:01:39 UTC+1 j...@simplecircle.io wrote:
>> I had a curious bug appear in my server logs when using a unicode 
>> Transformer:
>>     transform unicode "wind-Pa\x00\x00\x00" to ascii: transform: short 
>> destination buffer
>> Here's the simplified code that caused the error (Gist 
>> <https://gist.github.com/jschaf/78933954cba1ae6fc75b3d29a4c6fc8d> and Go 
>> Playground <https://go.dev/play/p/6Rb_sZBTs2P>). I assumed that 
>> converting from unicode to ascii would always have an equal or smaller 
>> length, hence the panic. Here's the essential bits of the simplified code:
>>     cs := []byte("wind-Pa\x00\x00\x00")
>>     chars := make([]byte, len(cs))
>>     t := transform.Chain(norm.NFD, runes.Remove(runes.In(unicode.Mn)), 
>> norm.NFC)
>>     nDst, _, err := t.Transform(chars, cs, true)
>> I suspect the error is thrown by text/runes.go:149 
>> <https://github.com/golang/text/blob/master/runes/runes.go#L149> (or 
>> perhaps on line 165) by the remove transformer. It looks like the form 
>> transformers never throw ErrShortDestination.
>> I haven't been able to reproduce the error on my dev mac or on the 
>> playground and there's only been a single occurrence of the error in my 
>> server logs. The server binary was compiled with Bazel for 
>> the @io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:linux_amd64 toolchain using Go 
>> version 1.18.4.
>> I'd like to understand when ErrShortDestination is thrown by the 
>> Transformer. My code allocates a buffer the same length as the input so I 
>> thought I'd avoid the short destination error.

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