The precise ordering of things is a bit non-deterministic at the fringe. If 
precise ordering really matters (maybe for cancelling a stream like this, it 
doesn’t, sometimes it does), a default case in the select statement is really 
useful, and it also matters what DoSomething does.
From: <> on behalf of 
Torsten Bronger <>
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2022 1:52:36 AM
To: <>
Subject: [go-nuts] Context cancellation: Is it sufficient to make long-running 
things interruptible?


The context documentation gives this example:

    // Stream generates values with DoSomething and sends them to out
    // until DoSomething returns an error or ctx.Done is closed.
    func Stream(ctx context.Context, out chan<- Value) error {
        for {
                v, err := DoSomething(ctx)
                if err != nil {
                        return err
                select {
                case <-ctx.Done():
                        return ctx.Err()
                case out <- v:

What if the channel “out” is drained very efficiently?  Then, an
arbitrary number of loop iterations could happen before a
cancellation is detected, couldn’t it?

I would additionally check for ctx.Err() != nil somewhere in the
loop.  Or is there a reason why this is not necessary?


Torsten Bronger

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